All new fun

Started by NFG, April 02, 2005, 04:47:41 PM

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I've created a wiki.  It's clear that I can't keep up with the sheer volume of great content you guys send me, so I've put up a wiki for you to add your own.  I'll be populating it on and off until it more or less mirrors the main GameSX page, but with, like, more!  And stuff.

Anway, you can find it here:

and it will have NFG Games content also:



This is possibly the best thing You've ever done, Lawrence! I've thought for quite some time (about 3 months) that every informational site should have a wiki, and now my favorate has one.

Woo hoo!


Its cool but not even linked from Gamesx. Im not going to write up anything just so someone else can change it to what they think it should be. Great idea, just not working for me though in its current form.
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN


while it is a brilliant idea, you have to agree that if youre able to delete something perfectly good, someone will.
i dont doubt that half the content will dissappear regularly due to some ass.
there needs to be some kind of protocall for deleting/modifying posts, like the posts can only be modified by admins or the poster, and anyone disagreeing with the post should send some kind of notification to the original poster before it can be changed. i dont know, i just dont think its a good idea to let the general public delete whatever they like. while yes, theres absolutely nothing to get out of deleteing from a site which has a delete button, there are always going to be morons out there


Wikis are old news.  I once thought like you, but have a look around - there are wikis everywhere, and it's true that the crowd around here isn't the leetspeaking chump scriptkiddiez you get on a lot of other sites.

That, and since anyone can delete the content at the push of a button, no one will.  There's no challenge, there's no cred to be gained by doing it.

Also undeleting can be done by everyone as well.  It keeps track of changes.  Wanna repair a nuked page?  Go ahead, it takes only seconds.


if it can be undone, it might be ok.. see how it goes, wiki's are completely new to me, so ill be learning this from scratch, i've never even seen one before.
is it registered users only?

ok, after deciding i might add something to the wiki, i clicked to modify the page i wanted, so as to add my part, then realized i have no freaking clue how to work a wiki.. anyone care to point me in the right direction as to finding some kind of tutorial which will teach me? :S

edit: i clicked syntax, i think the info i need is here..

another addition: it looks like i cant use opera with it, whenever i go to edit something, it tells me its locked by me (shows my ip) :S
shouldnt it detect my ip whenever i try do something? now that im using internet explorer, i apparently have to wait 14 mins anyway.. or is the page just broken?
lawrence? got any answers?

more edits: OMG! lawrence, i think its broken, im using IE and not clicking back at all, and it freaking locked me out cos im using it, still showing my ip T_T

im planning on creating a section to show what snes controllers work on what consoles, and how to make them work on the ones they dont, incorperating the page already on gamesx if thats all good with you.. (is it still on gamesx? i seem to remember having to find some crazy way of linking through old unused parts of gamesx to find it)

again, editing the most edited post in the history of the gamesx forums:
ok, now im gonna paste what it says, cos theres an ip there i dont recognise.. mines the one in brackets.

Page locked
This page is currently locked for editing by another user. You have to wait until this user finishes editing or the lock expires.

Currently locked by: (
Lock expires at: 2005/04/03 23:38 (14 min)

i dont know how anyone is expected to post anything with this crap going on.. its pissing me off fairly extensively right now.. i planned to have a basic version done in about half an hour, which would provide basic info. i was going to post the rest later. so far, i've made one link that goes nowhere, been locked out about 4 times, and its been about 35 mins.

another edit: it seems like it locks it off as soon as i hit preview.. but i still say it should check my freaking ip before it tells me im locked out, that way it could work out that its ME editing it, so it can freaking unlock for me..

now i gotta go to sleep cos i have an early start tomorrow.. fairly disappointing. but i guess its early stages, so i cant complain too much

i saw the donate button at the bottom of the wiki, does that donate for gamesx or the creaters of wiki? cos i'd be happy to donate a few bucks towards gamesx.. this place has served me well, im happy to contribute wherever i can.