uk snes lover - needs help

Started by barnstroller, March 26, 2005, 12:15:22 AM

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[HELLO ALL. i really need some help if possible, please reply to my email which is if you can help. i have a jap super famicom which is trully mint but doesn't play all my UK games and i have a old yellowed brit PAL snes which is my old friend. i want a console to run all games, without boarders and at the fatest speed but i am rapidly running out of cash. what would you lot advise me to do? i can use a soldering iron and have read the write up's on here but i will probably struggle fitting a switch in truth. i've got years of catching up to do as i'm still on metroid 3 and have't even started crono trigger yet.

any help would be greatly appreciated as the plum i am just got the jap console thinking it would play all UK, Jap and USA games only to find out that it doesn't. help please *head in hands*


[span style=\'font-size:14pt;line-height:100%\']barenakedladies[/font][/span]


yeah, the coloured too big type sext is a bit much.. i send em an email with a few answers, and saying i can help out with whatever questions <he/she> has.. never got a reply


Seriously, taht text is so annoying, all of the information I got out of that post was that he had some SNESes. I have a headache, now.