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PAL N64 games on a NTSC console...?

Started by damdam78, February 03, 2005, 11:27:16 AM

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Hi there!

Just read the entire topic about it posted early december

Nice dicussion and great interest :P

BUT the links given to perform the mod are broken! (you know the mod with parts from a PAL N64 to sacrifice). I've got one to burn down! ;)

Anyone got info about it?



Crap. I should have saved them locally while I had them.
Anyone have a copy of the mod instructions?

An option could of course be to mail that dragon4s guy and ask him. If you do, please put up the guide for the rest of us to see. :)


so is there a way to play Pal N64 games into ntsc console? and if yes how?


Quoteso is there a way to play Pal N64 games into ntsc console? and if yes how?
Passport Adapter Version III for N64


and lik-sang used to have one for cheap...
I picked up mine years ago but I think it's now sold out...

should've bought Tristar as well...
oh well...


Here's the instructions, unfortunately I can't retrieve the picture showing which legs of the PIFs go where, has anyone out there saved this?

You need the following parts:
NINTENDO64 ;-) pal and ntsc version
good soldering skills
5 2-way switches
screwdrivers for nintendo systems(since you aint got them,ill explain you how to make them yourself ;-)
some desolder pump or what its not neccessary,but VERY useful,i recommend you get one for about $5 in ur electronics store

the mod works like this:

basically you just cut out the security-chip [PIF(P)-NUS] out of a pal-n64 and connect most pins to the equivalent pins of the ntsc security-chip [PIF-NUS] of a ntsc-n64.the pins
that were not connected are seperated and soldered via 5 two-way switches to the pcb.
now you can switch between pal and ntsc n64 settings and there are NO limitations,EVERY single cart will work ;)
be warned:
you should only do this mod if you are experienced with soldering and stuff!!
while doing this mod,you mess around with the pins of smd-chips,that will break if you bend
them more than 2 times.(if they do,you even need to open the chip itself and this is REALLY tricky,trust me >:-[ )

ok,you should do it like this:
open both n64 (how to build a nintendo screwdriver is explained in the cheap mod guide).
now you have 2 choices:
take out the PIF-NUS of a pal n64(use a needle and a soldering iron to lift up the pins) and solder it directly onto the ntsc-pif,but i cant recommend this one,cause its very likely that you break a pin.
for me,the best choice was to desolder both,the ntsc and the pal PIF-NUS,solder both on seperate pcb ( you can buy readymade boards for all kinds of smd-chips in your fav electronic store) and run wires from these pcbs.that means you arent in danger of breaking any pins on the PIFs,cause these little babys are worth a whole n64,you know ;)

once this is done,run wires from a pifs pins that are marked green on the pic to their equivalent pins on the other pif and the pcb(bad explanation,sorry ;)
for example you run a wire from PIF(P)-NUS pin 1 to pin 1 of PIF-NUS and to pin 1 on the pcb,so all pin 1s are hooked up together.
run wires from the pins marked white to ground somewhere on the n64 board.
the other pins running from pif-nus and pif(P)-nus are connected to the pcb via a relais and a 2 way switch(or a jk flip flop + button if ur cool dude ;)
to switch all lines at once (theres no relais in the diagram coz i was too lazy,but u know how to wire them lines up ;)
so you can decide if the n64 uses the pins of the pal or the ntsc pif.
the pink pins on the pcbs are not connected.

thats it, you are done now.
mail me for further questions :)


That looks like it! Thanks a lot :] I thought I might have a spare PIF to do it with today after I broke 4 legs off of the CPU of my US N64 while overclocking it, but I managed to fix it, so I'll save this for some other time.