NFG edits your posts!

Started by NFG, January 24, 2005, 03:08:43 PM

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As an admin one thing I can do is edit peoples' posts without it showing up that I had my dirty little hands in the mix.

Since the board allows guest postings, and since a lot of you clumsy fuckers can't login properly (or something...) you're making double posts: one as a guest, one as a reg'd user saying "oops!  That was me!"

I fix these whenever I find them, cutting the guest-post contents and pasting them into the reg'd user "that's me!" post.  Then I delete the guest post.

Now, the reason I'm saying this:

I want to be sure everyone knows I'm doing this, it's not some magic forum feature, and:

I want to make sure no one has a problem with me doing it.  The fact that I am editing posts without permission could be viewed as a serious breach of trust between an admin and the slobbering masses, but I like to think it's for a good cause.  And, of course, I don't edit your posts for _any_ other reason.  If I don't like what you've said I'll turf the whole post rather than edit it.  Or leave a big goatse picture as your avatar...

Any complaints or issues with my completely random behaviour?


no problem here.
now i see why you just used your av with angry eyebrows the one time you DID change someones av.. i guess you wanted to let the dude know without proving yourslf untrustworthy to your forum-goers by attcking him with something more severe.. though it could have been amusing:P


heh, that was a different story.  He had uploaded an 800k avatar and then used it on a dozen other forums.  Was hitting me for many tens of megs.  Not that I care about the bandwidth, but he didn't ask first.  So hey, avatar swap!  =)


I dislike ppl who think they can upload an avatar to one place, then use it on other people's forums. I'm half tempted to write some code to check where the avatar is being called from, and replace it with adverts if it's not the right place.

I'm sure that'd sort the issue out. ;)

Why do I care? Well, I don't care if they're willing to pay for the hosting. Otherwise, some people are just leeching bandwidth without providing *anything* in repayment. I wouldn't mind if they bothered posting useful information...

As far as editing posts go, I'm not so happy that the system doesn't mark the post as edited. On the other hand it's not my forums, so I don't get no say.  
[ Not an authoritive source of information. ]


I'm not so unhappy that the system doesn't mark the post as edited.  I think the admin should be god of the system, that's what admins are.  If I have the power to shut the whole thing down I should have the power also to muck with posts unnoticed.  =)

I'm of two minds about it.  On one hand I don't think it's a big deal - I'm putting your words in your mouth and deleting a guest post.  I'm reasonably certain no one has a beef with this.  On the other hand, you're right - no one knows if I've been mucking with your posts.

If this were an antagonistic board filled with flame wars, trolls and arguments I think this kind of power would, and should, be suspect.  In the context of the boards I believe it's kind of a non-issue; we're a small community building a shared body of knowledge.  There's nothing to gain for anyone if I start changing the words of the users.

I think it all comes down to trust.  You gots ta trust someone, might as well be me.  =)