USB headsets - PS2 and Xbox

Started by kendrick, January 10, 2005, 09:07:04 AM

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Cheapskates of the world, unite. You have nothing to lose but your free time...

Anybody done any research on the innards of the PS2 and Xbox headset and microphone peripherals? Knowing as we do that the Xbox connector is just a trumped up USB wire, for grins I tried connecting the Xbox Live communicator to the USB port on a Playstation 2 to see if it would be detected and/or usable. It wasn't, but it got me thinking about the possibility of adapting one piece of hardware for use on the other console.

Since the PS2 headset is only $30 at retail, there isn't much financial benefit to such a hack job. But I do want to know if such an act is possible short of any custom programming of an adapter.

-KKC, who successfully modded an Xbox this weekend. How did I do it? I completely fried a 1.4 motherboard and replaced it with a 1.0 motherboard, that's how. :)


The PS2 headset I took apart was Logitec branded, and appeared as a standard USB audio controller to a PC.

It might be worth trying to connect the XBox communicator to a PC, and see what VID and PID it appears as.
[ Not an authoritive source of information. ]