Japanese PC Custom input modes for Retrotink 4K

Started by incrediblehark, April 08, 2024, 01:35:22 AM

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Linked above is a file containing custom input modes to support the Sharp X68000, NEC PC98 and Fujitsu FM Towns on the Retrotink 4K. Below is from the included readme:

To use these custom modes, copy and paste into your current input_database.txt file located in the inputmodes folder on your RT4K SD Card. These were made to address the unknown signal when loading up X68000 software with all of its odd scan rates. Some notes:

These are still a WIP and may not be 100% accurate, but will be a good starting point for people who would like to create custom profiles based on the resolutions. The purpose of the input mode vs a profile is to allow it to be scalable across multiple output resolutions and allow for the creation of profiles based on the input modes.

Naming convention for these modes are most likely not proper, I went back and forth on these and decided to just do a XXXpXX for the resolution and framerate.

VRR and frame lock / genlock are recommended for smooth scrolling. If your display cannot do that I would recommend triple buffer and adding 1/2 frame of lag to get less stuttering.

I have tested these on multiple resolutions to get as close as possible, but I am in no way an expert. Most of this I learned as I went. If you see any issues with these please reach out to me and I'll do my best to fix them. My hope is for these input modes to be implemented into the RT4K firmware one day.

One other note - some of these modes may look squished on your display - don't forget that the X68000 had wide and narrow resolutions for some games that would be adjusted on the monitor itself. Use a 16:9 aspect correction on these to get a better scaled picture.


I recently got my RT4K but I wonder how to connect it to my X68000s (Compact XVI and Pro) as they are RGB15, neither VGA nor HDMI.   


You will need to get an adapter to convert the x68000 15pin rgb to an hd15 style vga port to connect to the retrotink. You can buy an adapter or premade cable or build one yourself


Updated to v2 to add modes for 24khz NEC PC98 and FM Towns resolution. Please see updated link in original post.