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Geograph Seal Bus Error

Started by spud, November 17, 2018, 09:48:05 AM

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Slowly but surely I get to know my X68000 a bit better. Have the OSSC configure so I don't have any cut off image anymore on my LCD. Played quite some games on the SD it came with (v4 variant). Let's say between 10 & 20. All of them work, apart from Geograph Seal, that throws a bus error, even when I run it from plain DOS. See attached image. No idea if that will ring a bell with someone.

My system:

Oops, sorry guys, this probably should have gone into the software forum. Admins please move there, thanks!.


One bus crash might just be a fluke.  Multiple bus crashes could be a problem.  Just to be sure, run a memory diagnostic on your X68000.

Memory diagnostic program is here:

Geograph Seal is a demanding game, so it may be trying to use more memory than the other titles you've played and thus triggering a hardware fault that doesn't show up otherwise.

Another thing to try is recopying Geograph Seal from a fresh download source.

Also make sure that you have 4 megs set properly in SWITCH.X


Yes check Switch.x how much memory you configured.
The Game crashes on 1mb machines with that Bus Error.
Since mine has 2 meg it works.


Crap, it seems I made a wishfull thinking typo :) I only have 2 MB. So maybe running it from HDD on a 2MB machine may be just a bit too little? I'll write a floppy disk version and try with that too.

Thanks for the suggestions.


On my X68000 it works well with 2mb from HDD.
You have to quit wit Q from Lhes.

Check Switch that your ram is configured to the mount of memory you got


OK, call me stupid, but apparently I didn't exit everything properly before starting the game. Now it works fine. Very cool game. I only don't get the cheat to work (may lazy amateuristic gamer) (no sound after pressing the key combination).