Updated: June 30 2004 - new games gallery right here

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you a small selection of games available for Vodaphone/J-Phone Java-enabled cellular phones in Japan. Available for Y100-Y300 with (usually) unlimited plays, there's no shortage of variety. Some are great, many suck, and a few are surprisingly well-translated to a tiny screen with a horrible controller.

Many people outside of Japan are very proud of their "Phones should just be phones!" stance, which can usually be attributed to their being fucked up the ass every time they use their celphone. Why add more features when it costs a mint to use the shitty one you've got?

The situation in Japan is different: free phones, no contracts. The newest phones are maybe $150-200, and they drop to $20 in six months, and today we picked up a shiny new Java-enabled camera-sportin' email-sendin' little beauty for the huge price of one Yen. That's less than a penny folks, no tax, no hidden fees. Yeah, there's a fee to keep your old phone number, but if you can do without that (or if you use it primarily for messaging) who wouldn't upgrade every year for zero cost?

Anyway, here's some of the games: