NFG's Arcade Font Engine

Now serving different fonts!

Pick one!
Pick a font to begin!
NFG's Notes:
This is a strange font that shows signs of being a careless or rushed addition to the spectacular SNES game Metal Warriors. It's 8x7 in an 8x8 grid, and while most characters were drawn to fit, the question mark was simply cut off at the top. Some letters seem out of place, like the letter O which is oddly thick compared to the similarly shaped Q. The shadows are inconsistent, sometimes diagonal, sometimes horizontal or vertical, and sometimes missing or doubled up. Every letter with a TL:BR diagonal has a double shadow which is, frankly, bizarre.

Still, it's one of the best SNES games, and so here it is.
Change the size?
Pointer Position: 25%
Thanks to Twyst for the .js and help with the PHP.