NEC CM-2791 rgb monitor?

Started by matriks, July 08, 2004, 01:19:30 AM

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greetings all...

in my pursuit of a good rgb monitor i've come across some one of these.  however i can't seem to find any info about sync rates anywhere on the net, so i'm not certain i should get it for my supergun or not.  anyone know if they are suitable?



Thanks for pointing that one out--I just bought one from that seller. He only states "We have been unsuccessful in our attempts to use this monitor as a computer display," which very surely means it is using a 15KHz standard broadcast sync--you can even see the BNC connector labeled Composite Sync on the rear. I asked if he had a manual or at least a pinout for the socket, but failing that the BNC is wide open.

More to come when it gets here.


I use thisMonitor Database to find out info about rgb monitors I'm interested in buying. Buying a Mitsubishi AM-2752A was probably one of the best gaming purchases I made in recent years.                              


Unfortunately, this monitor isn't listed.

But that kind of doesn't matter--it has a composite input, so it is surely 15KHz RGB. The only real question is, where in the world is the pinout for that DB9 socket. I've looked high and low for this, still can't find it. I might have to call NEC to get it.