PCB adapter SASI 20 pin to SCSI 50

Started by aotta, September 05, 2024, 02:38:58 AM

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I made a couple of the cable as in the great guide https://gamesx.com/wiki/doku.php?id=x68000:hard_drive_on_sasi_machine , but i found very tricky to align and to crimp the 50 pin connector in the right way.
So, i build a simple PCB to connect the 20 pin SASI cable on a side and the 50 pin SCSI in the others.
In attach the gerber files, if someone is interested.


Hey Aotta: can the LED pin on your breakout board blink the LED on the X68000 case? (I mean, cutting traces on the board and soldering the wires directly to the LED there, perhaps?)


The led pin is connected to pin 34 on cable, which drive the front HD Busy led. I linked directly pin 34 to led signal in my bluescsi2 to have the red led working, but i exposed the pin in the breakout board for any case.