RGB-SCART Sharp X68000 cable x68k

Started by owen2471, April 20, 2024, 08:22:39 PM

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Good Morning. I've just received a RGB-SCART Sharp X68000 cable x68k from EBay. When I connect to my X68000 I just get a black screen. Any suggestions I have tried it on 2 machines.

Thank you


Did you plug the other end into anything?  What was it?  More details might help with a diagnosis.

Is the receiving device 15/31kHz capable?  What resolution is <whatever you're booting> running at?  Are you sure it's SCART and not JP-21?  etc.


Hello. I'm using it on a TV that won't display in 15 KHZ mode 😒


I don't understand what you're saying, sorry.  You're using it on a TV (with you so far) that won't display in 15kHz mode.

The TV doesn't do 15kHz?  Or the X68000 is in 15kHz mode and the TV still shows nothing?

What have you tried?  Do other systems work on this TV?  What's the pinout of the cable you're using?  Is it SCART for sure? 


Umm I am not use a SCART cable will be much use. A TV will only accept 15khz so you will only be able to test with a game that boots to 15khz.

However when you feed 31khz into a CRT SCART TV you usually get some sort of rolling screen. You won't be able to read text, but you will get something.
I know this from using my CRT SCART TV with a FPGA device that outputs 15 and 31khz.
I think a LCD TV will just show nothing, so you need to test on a CRT.
If you still see nothing then it sounds like something else.

If you have a way of written 5 1/4 disks you could try a game that is know to boot into 15khz mode.

I've also noticed that the signal from say a original model and Expert 2 is slightly different.
I have a BenQ monitor which does 15 and 31khz, it is fine on original model x68000 and Amiga, but not with the Expert 2.


Thanks for the input. I have been trying with LCD TV's.


This cable solves your video problems with LCD or CRT TV screens.
Recommended for those living in Europe.



I never understood why people want SCART RGB on X68000. You don't use SCART RGB on a PC DOS machine (which like the X68000, is also a 31khz machine) why do that to a different computer? Yes, there are some games that switch to 15khz (many of them can switch back to the default 31khz) but there's solutions to that.

If you don't have a multisync display, the best solution is X68000 -> VGA -> OSSC -> HDMI 2 VGA -> PC Monitor

If you don't have a PC Monitor and just a display that takes HDMI in, skip the HDMI 2 VGA dongle. The OSSC will pass 31khz as is and will scale 15khz to 31khz automagically for you.


Did you ever see the Games on a CRT ? Many of them look amazing in 240P.
But the normal VGA CRT´s doesn´t display 240P and the workaround is as good as long the Monitor accepts 55Hz.
Otherwise you will also get no picture.


I only play retro games on a CRT (20" Sony PVM-20L2)

There are VGA CRTs that can display both 15khz and 31khz. Many of them are native to Japan, but we've had some multisync monitors in North America as well (e.g. NEC Multisync II) But if you have a nice VGA PC Monitor that doesn't support 240p, you can use an OSSC to make that CRT work with 240p. I explained how above; it's what I and many others do. Given the original OSSC is now an "old" scalar, it can be had for a song and well worth it.


I also use the OSSC too to get my X68000 and FM Towns working on modern displays.
But i also use an old crt TV, not monitor, and there i have to use an RGB Scart cable.
And the OSSC doesn´t solve the problem when your monitor need 60Hz V-Sync while the X68000 only gives 55Hz.
And you can use the 15Khz mode direct.

Regarding to your question in no. 7 i hope you now can understand why some people wants a RGB Scart cable.