Wolfenstein 3D on Marty

Started by MAZter, July 14, 2023, 08:16:57 AM

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I tried to run Wolfenstein 3D on Marty without success. Problem cause port author hard-coded EXP to use only with full game version files *.WL6, instead of allow it to use *.WL1, witch could potentially fit 4Mb limit. Sources available to download as well, so maybe someone could build properly port especially for Marty? Now it's just stuck on boot screen 🙁 

Of course, editing WL6 to WL1 in the HEX editor will not help, because the author of the port did not put the necessary files for the shareware version when building the build (MAPSWL1.H, GFXV_WL1.H and possibly something else)

Port and sources available here:

ISO I used to boot on Marty:


Don't share WOLF4FMT including full version files (WL6).


@MAZter - It seems that @bcc2528 is the author of the Wolfenstein port you're working with.  If your linked ISO has the full version files, it would be good to remove it.