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PC98 Questions Dark Seraphim

Started by emerald danjon, July 24, 2018, 07:48:24 AM

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emerald danjon

Hello everyone,
i have an PC9801 DS,im new on this system and im trying some games,i find really hard know what kind of games works on every model of this computers,but step by step i learn a little.

i am a huge fan of RPG,s and im interested on play this game DARK SERAPHIM,obviously this game cannot run on my computer,
is a CD-ROM and looks like more demanding to my PC 98.

it's worth trying to expand a pc98?try to find an CD ROM interface...¿if this works on this way?,i dont see IDE ports on my Computer...,and if is possible i need more RAM ¿right?,
and maybe the CPU is too slow?  ::)

maybe i need go for other PC98 model?,what kind of PC98 can handle games like that?,

and i need to say im searching that kind of info,and comparing computers with mine,but i see too many different models,is very hard for me understend this system,
what difference have with others models.

too many differents models and i dont see a place with the concrete info about how expand this concrete model,i have too many questions,
is with difference the complicate system i never had,
thanks for the patience,

socket for a ¿micro? copro?

that two black ports are for?
EDIT:that two black ports are for HDD,Sasi,one of that HDD with PCB...

a complete view,the computer have 4 slots for expansions like the X68000 PRO,ahhhh X68000 now seems simple system to me  :D

This white port could be for Ram?

that White port is for Ram Card.

I cant see any way to add an CF as HDD to this system,i think is needed use the Expansion Ports I/0 and add SCSI or something,i keep searching.