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東方Project CD rom

Started by Koishi, April 03, 2016, 09:49:27 AM

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So I've heard there's a Touhou CD that Amusement Makers put out. It featured all 5 games, and this was in 2002 or something. Does anyone have the ROM? It'd be nice.

Another question is that I need an HDI file of M. Kajihara's PMD driver and the other music drivers used in PC-98 days (such as mdrv98). I'll use it to compose Touhou-style music.
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Quote from: Koishi on April 03, 2016, 09:49:27 AM
Does anyone have the ROM? It'd be nice.

Price of this disc comes to 1 million yen . You sponsor a purchases?

A complete set, recorded at home cd-rom blanks and five pieces of paper .


Quote from: gabby32 on April 04, 2016, 12:57:55 AM
Quote from: Koishi on April 03, 2016, 09:49:27 AM
Does anyone have the ROM? It'd be nice.

Price of this disc comes to 1 million yen . You sponsor a purchases?

A complete set, recorded at home cd-rom blanks and five pieces of paper .
Uh, not the actual disc, but a ROM of the disc. Does anyone have it?
Wondrous Eastern Legend
Record of the Sealing of an Oriental Demon
Oriental Dream Dimensions
Eastern Fantasy Township
Eastern Bizarre Tale


Quote from: gabby32 on April 04, 2016, 12:57:55 AM
Quote from: Koishi on April 03, 2016, 09:49:27 AM
Does anyone have the ROM? It'd be nice.

Price of this disc comes to 1 million yen . You sponsor a purchases?

A complete set, recorded at home cd-rom blanks and five pieces of paper .

ROM as in .iso (disc image)? No, I don't believe there is a copy of it anywhere on the Internet. Japanese retro computing fans are reluctant to illegally distribute copyrighted content, so there is very little chance anyone who actually owns the CD-ROM in Japan would upload it.

The CD-ROM, however, is simply all of the first five Touhou installation files put on one disc with a convenient menu system to select which to install. All of the games included on the CD should be identical to the floppy disk versions.

As for your question about M.Kajihara's PMD, all of the PMD tools/programs can be found free for download on his official website:


What did the menu look like?

And I know about the PMD tools, but how do I get them on an emulator?
Wondrous Eastern Legend
Record of the Sealing of an Oriental Demon
Oriental Dream Dimensions
Eastern Fantasy Township
Eastern Bizarre Tale


Quote from: Koishi on April 04, 2016, 08:10:22 AM
What did the menu look like?

And I know about the PMD tools, but how do I get them on an emulator?

Don't remember where, but I saw a picture of the menu on some Japanese website. It was a basic text-based menu with several options, which you would choose from using the number keys.

Regarding the PMD tools: You need to use Disk Explorer to import them into a PC-98 disk image (make sure your computer is in the Japanese locale first). Here is the link:


Hi Koishi,

I've decided to put this together for you since I'm in the process of working a new version of Kobushi's YAHDI image. Since you have expressed interest in only exploring Touhou games, I simply removed all non-Touhou related files with the exception of tools and kept only the Touhou related stuff for you to explore.

It's a 542 MB image, which is the same size as the original YAHDI image. I would have made it smaller, but you needed around 60-80 MB for all the Touhou related stuff since I have both the Japanese originals in there as well as the English translated versions, and I don't know how to create new HDD images that are of a larger file size like this.

The image is in .nhd format and you can find it here:

When you have the zip downloaded and the nhd file extracted, you can play this in the Project Neko II emulator and even explore it / add files to it using Disk Explorer.

Once you load this image up in Project Neko II, you'll likely get prompted during startup to hit a key on your keyboard. If this happens, hit the "w" key and you will then land in the BM menu which allows you to select various tools with either the mouse or your keyboard. From here you can select to go to DOS or you can hit next page using the right arrow keys until you get to the Music / Audio page. From here you can simply choose to load PMD drivers and launch a program called MSDP. I also have drivers set to load which will load ADPCM Sample Kits (.PPS files) which can be used when making PMDs.

Once you launch the MSDP player you can navigate to your PMD folder under A:\music and play some Touhou .M / .M2 files. The first game's files are in there along with HertzDevil's covers from Touhou 7 and a few other select tracks from other Touhou games.

To play the actual games, go into DOS and navigate to GAMES\SHOOTING and either select the directory for TOUHOU or TOUHOUE which is the English translated versions. In either directory you'll see a !START.bat file. Hit "R" (for RUN) on your keyboard and then ENTER and it will load the boot menu. Hit number 1-5 to select which Touhou game you want to play.

That's it! Enjoy!

By the way, these are all set to work on actual hardware if you convert this to an IMG and write it to a CF card. I'll detail the process for that if you have a real machine equipped with a CF card to IDE interface or CF to SCSI like the Aztec Monster. If you are interested in learning how to compose PMD music as well, Noyemi Karlaitė has put together a guide for how to get started if you are interested.



I actually wanted the DOS stuff in there, I just wanted all games except for Touhou deleted. But it doesn't matter. Off to trying to clear the SoEW extra stage with the MIDI option on!
Wondrous Eastern Legend
Record of the Sealing of an Oriental Demon
Oriental Dream Dimensions
Eastern Fantasy Township
Eastern Bizarre Tale


Quote from: Koishi on April 04, 2016, 11:05:17 AM
I actually wanted the DOS stuff in there, I just wanted all games except for Touhou deleted. But it doesn't matter.
That's a shitty way of saying thanks for the time and effort SkyeWelse took to help you. You've made like 6 posts in the last 24 hours, and they're all "gimme gimme gimme". This forum isn't your personal ROM dispensary. If you want help, you're going to need to demonstrate some effort on your part first.

I have a copy of the Touhou Project CD, by the way. But I'm not inclined to share it with you. If anyone else reading this is interested, please PM me.


HOLY SALAMANDER CUDDLEFISH! So I took the Touhou from the YAHDI and put it into my modified ZAI HDI. When I loaded it up, I noticed for a quick second "東方Project CD" appearing before taking me to HRtP. SO I HAVE THE ROM! And the TOUHOUPC98 I have is the ROM, too! THANK YOU SKYEWELSE!

And I'll remember that, kobushi. Next time I need help I'll demonstrate effort.  :)
Wondrous Eastern Legend
Record of the Sealing of an Oriental Demon
Oriental Dream Dimensions
Eastern Fantasy Township
Eastern Bizarre Tale


Any time I try to open up the NHD file in EditDisk I get a sharing violation message. What's going on?
Wondrous Eastern Legend
Record of the Sealing of an Oriental Demon
Oriental Dream Dimensions
Eastern Fantasy Township
Eastern Bizarre Tale


Hi Koishi,

Are you trying to open the image in EditDisk while you have it mounted as a IDE drive within Project Neko II? You can't have them them open at the same time, you'll need to close the emulator. In reverse, if you were to open the file in EditDisk and then attempt to load it in Project Neko II, this will result in a No System Files error message.



Wondrous Eastern Legend
Record of the Sealing of an Oriental Demon
Oriental Dream Dimensions
Eastern Fantasy Township
Eastern Bizarre Tale



Hello, thanks for your HDD image.
It runs smoothly on my NP2, but I am having troubles trying to extract everything from it and load them onto an actual HDD, which I am trying to use on my PC-9801.
Well, it must be a really stupid question to ask, but how am I supposed to create a hard drive compatible with the actual machine? I mean, disk format and stuff.
I have just been researching about this for like a week, and both my English and Japanese are not that good (neither is my mother tongue), so here I am seeking for some help.

By the way, mine is a PC-9801 NS/R. I know it's a bit too old for stuff like Mystic Square, but I think it might do for at least HRtP.
I don't have a CF to IDE device but I have a Fujitsu 20GB 2.5in IDE HDD (which I downsized to 544mb). I'm looking for a way to get the HDD image into this disk.


Hi Satorien,

It's nice to meet you. So no worries, there isn't really a stupid question as it relates to how to get this stuff to work on real hardware, it's really just about learning the process. I was right there where you were when I first started messing around with PC-98 hardware and it's just something you learn overtime (and also with Kobushi's help too! That guy... He knows things. :) )

So it's a shame that you are using something that is 20 GB if only for the fact that if you should ever need to backup that image it will back it up as a 20GB image and it will take longer to edit with a Hex Editor when trying to convert it back to an NHD to use with Project Neko II. I usually try to stick with using either a 1 GB or 2 GB CF card usually.

A couple things first, while it's cool that you downsized your HDD to be around 544 MB, the program that I use called Win32DiskImager will basically do all of that for you because it is going to write the image (which needs to be in the format of an .IMG file) directly to the destination drive and as long as the capacity of that drive meets the size required of the image, that new HDD or CF card or whatever will now become the size of that image. It's only an issue when you are reversing that process such as backing up the HDD, because as mentioned above, your new IMG file that you gain from doing the backup will be the entire capacity of what the HDD allows, which in your case results in a 20 GB IMG file.

So the image that was posted is only Touhou stuff and it's a 542 image. Ideally, unless you are only interested in playing Touhou games, I think you would be better off using the Work-In-Progress YAHDI 2.0 image which is also 542 MB since it has all the Touhou stuff plus other games as well, some of which may work fine on your machine and other that may really need a PC9821, but I would surely be interested in knowing what ends up being compatible and what is not!

I don't want to drop a link to that here because I'm not sure about the forum policy of having other games outside of Touhou available for download, but I'll be happy to send you a direct link to where you can find it, so feel free to send me a PM.

So let's say for instance you are trying to write the image called "yahdi-2-a.nhd" which is the YAHDI 2 - A image that I'm working on.

YAHDI A - Action/Arcade Based games (Easy stuff to get into if you don't really speak much Japanese)

Categories: Fighting, Puzzle, Action, Dancing (Just one game here haha), Simulation, Racing, Shooting, FPS and also includes both the Japanese and English translated Touhou 1-5 games.

So first you would want to download the attachment that I have called PC98HDDUtilities.rar which contains some tools for converting NHD to IMG and IMG to NHD. There are also some .bat scripts specifically for turning NHD files for these YADHI images A, B, and C into IMG files that are then more or less ready to go for writing to a CF card or Harddrive image. You'll likely also need to make sure you have the program called Disk Explorer and Win32DiskImager if you are using Windows.

One other thing you'll need to do to your Disk Explorer program is open up the types.ini file and make sure to add the following under DiskExplorerProfiles

[Raw PC-9801 HD]
Extension   = ".IMG"
ProfileType = 3
HDDType     = 0
DiskStart   = 0
Sectors     = 17
Heads       = 8
Cylinders   = 0
SecLen      = 512

This will allow you to open up IMG files.

The main point of using Disk Explorer in this process is that while it is normally a great tool for adding and removing content off of these YAHDI harddrive images, if you are able load the IMG in Disk Explorer without errors after you have converted from a NHD file (which works with Project Neko II) and are able to view the contents of the directory, you'll know without a doubt that you are in good shape for writing that image to the CF card / Physical Hard Drive.

So, for example. Let's walk through the steps here:

You have an image  yahdi-2-a.nhd which works well enough in Project Neko II. You want to write this image to a actual harddrive. First, you need to create a directory with the following files in it:


Either open a command prompt there and type:
nhdgen /auto /merge yahdi-2-a.nhd yahdi-2-a.img

Or by running the YAHDI A to IMG.bat file that is included in the Attachment.

This will create a yahdi-2-a.img. Now if you click on that to try and open it inside of Disk Explorer, you'll get errors, and that's because the header isn't correct. So with the Hex Editor of your choice (I usually use HexWorkship) open up that yahdi-2-a.img in the Hex Editor and remove everything above 00000400. The header should start with:

That means 4 periods +  IPL1 and save. That should now be an appropriate header.

So, if you've done these steps and you have success with opening up your newly created and edited IMG file inside of Disk Explorer, you'll know now that it will work when when you write that image to the CF Card / Physical HDD using Win32DiskImager.

Good luck!



SkyeWelse's post is very thorough, so I'll just add a couple quick points.

If you have an NHD image that works in an emulator, and you want to write it out to a real hard disk to use in a real PC-9801, all you need is a hex editor and Win32DiskImager.

First, use a hex editor to remove the NHD header from the .nhd file. The NHD header is the first 0x200 bytes (512 bytes). After removing the header, the first four bytes of the file in the hex editor should be "EB 0A 90 90" in the hex view, or "....IPL1" in the text view. Save the new file with the .img extension. Now you have a raw, headerless img file than can be imaged to a physical hard disk.* You can also test the raw image in Disk Explorer as Skyewelse explained.

*(By the way, this process is basically the same for HDI files. To convert an HDI file to a raw headerless img file, remove the first 0x1000 bytes (4096 bytes).)

Next, connect the physical IDE hard drive to your computer. You don't have to reformat it or anything, just get it to connect and have Windows assign it a drive letter.
Now open Win32DiskImager, select the .img file you just created above, select the drive letter of the IDE drive, and click Write. This should go without saying, but... make absolutely sure you are writing to the correct drive letter!

Now you can disconnect the IDE drive and use it normally in the PC-9801 machine. If you're using the YAHDI image, you don't really need to re-image the disk with Win32DiskImager anymore, because the hybrid partition table allows both PC-9801 and modern PCs to read it. To transfer new files to the PC-9801, just reconnect the drive to your modern PC, and copy-paste new files in.
(However, Skyewelse has informed me that character encoding issues might crop up if your PC is set to a non-Japanese locale. If you temporarily set your PC's locale to Japanese, you should be okay.)



Thanks for the information! In fact I have been having troubles trying to downsize the HDD, since I haven't got a computer with 2.5in IDE port to actually mount the HDD and play around with MHDD or HDAT2.
And, what's more, during the process I accidentally broke my computer's SSD with Windows in it. I think I should deal with that before I start messing with this PC-98 HDD again, so it might be a long time before I can post my experience here :(


Yes, I have encountered some errors and stuff about locales before I read your post. Good thing is that I have the basic knowledge about both English and Japanese so there's no worries about operating the system in either languages.


Quote from: Satorinen on April 29, 2016, 03:27:14 PM

Thanks for the information! In fact I have been having troubles trying to downsize the HDD, since I haven't got a computer with 2.5in IDE port to actually mount the HDD and play around with MHDD or HDAT2.
And, what's more, during the process I accidentally broke my computer's SSD with Windows in it. I think I should deal with that before I start messing with this PC-98 HDD again, so it might be a long time before I can post my experience here :(

Satorinen, were you running Windows 10 off the SSD? I have discovered the hard way that on 64-bit Windows 10, even if you assign the correct drive letter, Win32DiskImager overrides the C drive. I don't know if this had something to do with my setup in particular, but now that you appear to be having the same problem, I wonder if it's some sort of bug within Windows 10. I previously had no problems running it on Windows 7.

Nowadays, I do all my disk imaging on Lubuntu/Linux OS', which are much safer to use for that type of stuff than Windows. Linux actually supports the PC-98 filesystem, so you can drag and drop files onto a PC-98 HDD/CF Card easily as an added bonus. I'd strongly recommend using a Linux live CD next time you work with PC-98 disk images; GNOME Disks and GParted are all you need to read and write disk images on Linux.


Quote from: 98digger on April 30, 2016, 01:42:48 PM
Satorinen, were you running Windows 10 off the SSD? I have discovered the hard way that on 64-bit Windows 10, even if you assign the correct drive letter, Win32DiskImager overrides the C drive. I don't know if this had something to do with my setup in particular, but now that you appear to be having the same problem, I wonder if it's some sort of bug within Windows 10. I previously had no problems running it on Windows 7.

Nowadays, I do all my disk imaging on Lubuntu/Linux OS', which are much safer to use for that type of stuff than Windows. Linux actually supports the PC-98 filesystem, so you can drag and drop files onto a PC-98 HDD/CF Card easily as an added bonus. I'd strongly recommend using a Linux live CD next time you work with PC-98 disk images; GNOME Disks and GParted are all you need to read and write disk images on Linux.

In fact I broke my SSD for some other reason. I hadn't even had the chance to use Win32DiskImager on it...
But thanks for your information, I think I can first burn the image to my PC-98 HDD using a Windows PE then edit it with Ubuntu.