Successful internal installation of aztecmonster in compact!

Started by corpsicle, December 07, 2015, 04:53:22 AM

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I just wanted to say that thanks to Caius fantastic tutorial and Painkillas work before him, i managed to pull together a working CF setup with aztecmonster in my compact. =)
Now im in desperate need of a ram expansion...



Quote from: corpsicle on December 07, 2015, 04:53:22 AM
I just wanted to say that thanks to Caius fantastic tutorial and Painkillas work before him, i managed to pull together a working CF setup with aztecmonster in my compact. =)
Now im in desperate need of a ram expansion...

Well done!
Much better isn't it  ;)
If only we could have a tutorial for the floppy emulator too....


I wasnt so desperate about a ram expansion after all!
After talking to Caius on irc i realised that all games in the first and second game dirs should work with 2mb (why i didnt know this before i dunno).
I was told to set the aztecmonster to scsi id 0 and set it as boot device and voila, everything i try works now (with the exception of NewZeelandStory).

Yes, a gotek or HxC would be nice indeed. =)
Afaik its not a 100% solution yet.


Quote from: X-Col on December 07, 2015, 02:30:52 PM
Well done!
Much better isn't it  ;)
If only we could have a tutorial for the floppy emulator too....

Floppy emulator is simple to install but , since it can't emulate X68000  FDD proprietary signal, it's useless.Anyway, Jeff, the HxC floppy emulator designer, is working on a solution.


Well done! If you get a chance, you should do a write up of your experience to help the next guy who attempts to do the installation.


Here are photos:

I advice you to cover your eyes before viewing them however, unless you enjoy messy mods.

There wasnt really anything odd or wierd that i stumbled on.
I basicly followed Caius article but chose Painkillas homemade cable solution (since im a lazy bastard and yet i want things working NOW not later).
The biggest struggle was emptying the holes on the IO board from solder.
It took lots of flux, heat, swearing, desoldering braid and time.
Also i used the top of a disposable thai-food container as isolation on the back of the Aztecmonster, im sure other flat pieces of plastic work just aswell.
For power i managed to solder wires onto the metal contacts that go into the motherboard connector. Im not sure if thats the best way but it was the least destructive way i could think of.

As a bonus you get pictures of my magnificent keyboard adapter (i didnt make that myself, when it comes to programming chips i have no idea where to even start) and my megadrive pad adapter (the bit with black electrical tape is 2button, the one with white tape is 6 button).

And finally a picture of the whole thing running. Yay! Im happy. Christmas came early. ^_^;


Final update for now i promise.
Replaced the PSU fan with a Noctua 40mm last night.
Added the "low-noise-adapter" aswell and its barely audible now.
Of course now i started checking for heat, and it does get a bit warm around the psu and also on the right side where i think the cpu is located.
I have no idea how warm it got before the mod though ... i may have to test just to calm my nerves. =)