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Poor man's cyberstick

Started by Dal, March 02, 2015, 08:34:37 PM

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It looks like these cybersticks are rarer than hens' teeth.  So I wondered if anyone had tried making an adaptor to convert an old PC game port analog stick to work like the cyberstick.  Is it possible?  Has anyone managed to document it or at least found some schematic for the cyberstick to work from?


The Sharp Cyberstick is very common in Japan.  Almost always 1 or 2 on yahoo and a few other places.  The Micomsoft version is quite rare, but its the same thing, just red buttons.  Honestly it will cost you more to ship one abroad then you will normally pay to buy one.  You can also use the XE-1 AP as well as they are the same exact thing internally, but the full size HOTAS setup is a lot more fun to play with.


Slightly off-topic, but does anyone know if you can use the Cyberstick in analog mode with The Cockpit?