Help with YS Ancient YS vanished HDD game install

Started by elconejotres, January 22, 2015, 06:31:56 AM

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Hi guys I have made some HD installs but there's a game that is giving me problems:

Ys2 Ancient Ys Vanished:Everything is fine but it requires to first boot the HDF (emulator) or access to HDD (real system) then inserting a floppy to start (I've tried even with a blank one, and it boots!!) otherwise the screen stay at the "ys" command (ys.x)

Any help would be much apreciated or if any of you have a best way or tutorial to make them run with an autoexec.bat or something please let me know, thanks in advance


Hi, YS2 was installed on HHD some time ago.You can download this .HDF image, game is in 'GAMES' directory under 'YS2' folder , launch it by running '!START.BAT'.It works both in a emulator and in real ahrdware (installed on an HDD or other device)