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PC Drivers for PS3 memory card unit

Started by kendrick, September 16, 2007, 12:29:35 PM

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Anybody out there know if there are PC drivers for the PS3 memory adapter? You know, the one that lets you pull save files off of PS2 and PS1 cards. Google searching brings up lots of arguments and sales pages, and some acknowledgment that a Windows machine recognizes it as a generic USB device, but nothing beyond that.

-KKC, taking advantage of the FYE half-off 'we're never selling video games ever again' sale...


Have you tried giving Linux a spin on the PS3? I'm not sure of it, but I'd bet you can access it from there, at least with Yellow Dog Linux. Copying files to something like a USB flash drive.
I took a look at the Yellow Dog site, and really their list of "Support" or "Features" doesn't give one much info, so I think you should just try and see.


Don't even have a PS3 yet. Bought this strictly for hacking purposes, like that guy who owns ten VMU units but owns no Dreamcast. Actually, I hadn't considered if there were unofficial Linux drivers, so I'll go check that out now. Thanks for that.



Trying to make those new PS2 "Memory Card Modchips" obsolete before they land? ;)


Just bumping so I'll remember... I discovered a generic USB driver that will run the PS3 memory card reader on Windows XP. Unfortunately, the application that uses the driver only seems to read and write PS1 cards, which you can do from pretty much any Gameshark or Action Replay device. Still, it's nice to have the software. Anyway, I'm going to post some links and stuff when it's morning in the States again. Hopefully, sharing this stuff will lead to the development of a PS2 card reading app. Hang on for another reply in about seven hours.


Okay, here are all the relevant links. You'll need a small amount of Japanese literacy (or an IME editor and Babelfish) to puzzle through this:

Blog entry that describes a Windows driver for the PS3 USB memory card adapter:

Download for MCRWIN, a Windows 32-bit app that reads PS1 memory card images from USB readers.

Download for UUSBD, a generic USB driver that works with the PS3 mem card reader:

HERE'S the tricky part. Different memory card readers have different hardware ID's. Read the comments in the UUSBD.inf file in the last download and take careful note of the places where the file should be edited. You'll be changing two four-character hex codes, a VID number and a PID number. To get these, you can hook up the memory card reader and get the information from Device Manager in Windows XP.

So far, I've only found code that reads PS1 memory cards. I'm hunting around for a way to get stuff off of PS2 cards. Yes, I'm aware that there are commercial solutions that take care this more neatly, but sometimes you just want to use the hardware you have. :)


I am pretty sure you need to authenticate some kind of challenge/response key with the memory card to unlock it (Magic Gate)
And I'm also sure the PS3 has code to do that.

Magic Gate is the reason why all older (pre 2005) fake PS2 memory cards either had a slot in them to connect a real memory card or used some sort of "driver" disc to boot before you boot your game. The disc would patch the mcman.irx file (memory card driver) of the game disc in the system memory, thus making the non Magic Gate capable card be useful.

Some chinese figured out how to replicate the protection already so there's plenity of fake memory cards on the market now ... lol
And Datel used brute force (Gate Crasher chip) to fool the PS2 on their new memory cards.


Quote from: kendrick on January 09, 2008, 07:01:51 PM
Great stuff

I apologize if this is bad form, but I want to thank you for posting this.  I have been looking for a way to copy the PS1 saves from my memory card to my PC ever since I discovered PSX emulation, and this worked like a charm!

In my case, it just so happened that I was able to copy/paste the stuff mentioned in the first link you posted into my inf file and everything worked great.

Thanks again, I really appreciate your posting this info!!


Yes, I tried the PS1 memorycard support myself and worked like a charm, yes :)
Sadly PS2 memory cards need unlocking.


Have any of you tried the memory card exploit? You can run a program that can let you FTP files back and forth to any memory card plugged into your PS2 as long as you have it networked.


If you have your PS2 exploited or modified you can just use uLaunchelf and it has USB support (USB flash drives formatted in fat32.)

Why bother with FTP ? :)
btw uLauinchelf has a FTP server built in, too


oh yeah you can do that too...well because wireless access to your memory card is cool.....


can anyone who's done this link me to directions in english or do a step by step.  I'm new to this hackery and I am nervous about screwing stuff up.



Done what? This topic has......well a couple topics, off topic.

If you're referring to the last few posts, google "FMCB".


Bumping up an old thread here.

There have been some developments in regards to using the PS3 Memory Card Adapter since the last post.

The main thing is that jimmikaelkael, of Free McBoot fame, plus an unidentified hacker have finally created a program to allow for easy installation of FMCB onto the PS2 Memory Card using Windows ( After playing around with it I do have some issues.

The first one has to do with getting it to work. It has to do with "failing to sign boot kelf" when trying to install onto the card. I am not terribly good with Windows based operating systems (I am a Mac user) so I need a little help in figuring this out.

The next issue has to do with the FMCB programs themselves. The programs that are installed are pretty slick and is better than my current install.

However, it has HDLoader which, to my understanding, was supposedly depreciated in favor of Open PS2 Loader. Nothing against HDLoader, my current build has both HDL and OPL. But the repack just has HDL.

The thing here is that, because the install is already prebuilt, there doesn't seem to be a way to add anything to it or even updating any of the programs that will be installed. Is there going to be a program that will allow for custom installs of FMCB using this method? Or is there a hidden method to change the prebuild?

If I can get this to finally work it will be a whole lot better than the Codebreaker method I have been using for FMCB installs.

And, given the existence of OPL, I am surprised that nobody has updated WiinHip to accomodate. I wonder if it could someday be updated to deal with hard to install games like "Half Life", the only game I have never gotten to install. If anybody has simple instructions on getting that one to work I would like to know.
Console hacking is like sex. For best results you got to know where to poke.....


I'm about to hit the sack here so I have to be brief, but with the tools that FMCBoot made available... a couple years ago now (I think) you absolutely should be able to use anything you wish, within reason. Don't get hung up on using an installer to get it going. I just went by the default installer that I found at and went from there.

Not sure what problem you could be having with Winhiip. OPL works with the same format(s) that HDL does so Winhiip should absolutely be compatible. I installed Half Life with it years ago.


Quote from: RARusk on December 03, 2011, 01:50:03 PM

There have been some developments in regards to using the PS3 Memory Card Adapter since the last post.

I don't want to be annoying or anything, but I have a hand on that stuff lol.

I was talking to jimmikaelkael about a year and half ago where he told me he had this project about making PS2 memory cards readable on the PC through the CECHZM1 unit (the mentioned USB memory card adapter) but he was unable to unlock the card (as I was just saying on this thread).  An milestone was achieved and the PS3 got hacked.

But nobody were interested on the PS2 stuff into the PS3 firmware. A person I know were interested in it, though. He went and reverse-engineered all the PS2 algorithms and cryptographic keys that related to the PS2 Magic Gate.  I put jimmikaelkael and the mentioned person in touch and PS3MCA was born from that.  ;D

SONY forced Jimmi to remove the application and source code from the internet less than 8 hours it was uploaded.

Talk about efficiency ... lol


Quote from: l_oliveira on December 12, 2011, 12:27:53 AM
Quote from: RARusk on December 03, 2011, 01:50:03 PM

There have been some developments in regards to using the PS3 Memory Card Adapter since the last post.

I don't want to be annoying or anything, but I have a hand on that stuff lol.

I was talking to jimmikaelkael about a year and half ago where he told me he had this project about making PS2 memory cards readable on the PC through the CECHZM1 unit (the mentioned USB memory card adapter) but he was unable to unlock the card (as I was just saying on this thread).  An milestone was achieved and the PS3 got hacked.

But nobody were interested on the PS2 stuff into the PS3 firmware. A person I know were interested in it, though. He went and reverse-engineered all the PS2 algorithms and cryptographic keys that related to the PS2 Magic Gate.  I put jimmikaelkael and the mentioned person in touch and PS3MCA was born from that.  ;D

SONY forced Jimmi to remove the application and source code from the internet less than 8 hours it was uploaded.

Talk about efficiency ... lol

I guess the reason that Sony took it down so quickly is that they're afraid that you can download specialized software onto the Memory Card from the PC then turn around and use the Memory Card/Memory Card Adapter on the PS3 to unlock it and pull a Free McBoot style softmod on it (along with a larger USB drive with the rest of the homebrew software).

Judging from the fact that the install package contains FMCB 1.8c and that it is still considered beta then I guess the whole install program is beta as well. I am using Windows XP by the way and I still haven't got the install program to work - maybe it was made more for Windows 7/8.

As for WinHiip, the reason I mentioned that it should be upgraded is that it has Compatibility Mode settings for HDL built in but none for OPL. Not a huge deal considering that most people probably just install the games but make the mode settings on the PS2 itself. But I thought it might be worth mentioning.

Has anybody tried to use HDL/OPL on a Solid State Drive by any chance? Just wondering.

And has there been any progress in making FMCB work off of the hard drive? That would be very cool if that could be done and bypass the need for Memory Cards.
Console hacking is like sex. For best results you got to know where to poke.....


It's IMPOSSIBLE to use an PS2 memory card on a PS3 to "unlock it" because the PS3 don't even touch the PS2 memorycard while running PS2 games. The PS2 driver/emulator does not even have drivers for the memory card adaptor. That's why you are obligated to leave the emulation to use the CECHZM1 to transfer.

SONY forced the source to be removed because it contains the full algorithm to unlock and read/write the card. Which can lead to perfectly working pirate memory cards.

As per booting from the  HDD without a modchip, you need an SONY HDD to pull the stunt. If you have an MODCHIP which has ATAD patching, it can also load an normal ELF from __BOOT folder so the point is moot.


Quote from: l_oliveira on December 28, 2011, 11:18:30 PM
It's IMPOSSIBLE to use an PS2 memory card on a PS3 to "unlock it" because the PS3 don't even touch the PS2 memorycard while running PS2 games. The PS2 driver/emulator does not even have drivers for the memory card adaptor. That's why you are obligated to leave the emulation to use the CECHZM1 to transfer.

SONY forced the source to be removed because it contains the full algorithm to unlock and read/write the card. Which can lead to perfectly working pirate memory cards.

As per booting from the  HDD without a modchip, you need an SONY HDD to pull the stunt. If you have an MODCHIP which has ATAD patching, it can also load an normal ELF from __BOOT folder so the point is moot.

I understand now. Thanks for the clarification.

What's galling about the PS2 Memory Cards is that Sony still insists in selling new 8 MEGAByte Cards for $20 when you can get an 8 GIGAByte SD Card for about $15.

So there are ModChips that will allow you to do an FMCB style boot off the hard drive? Didn't know that. Interesting. My knowledge of ModChips is minimal at best because I prefer to use softmods when possible. What's the best ModChip for this purpose?
Console hacking is like sex. For best results you got to know where to poke.....


Considering that I also detest/hate modchips, I would not recommend you any. Even with the possibility of using the hacked SONY OSD with FMCB and non SONY HDDs in the near future ...

The "less sucky modchip" happens to be the original Matrix Infinity.


Quote from: RARusk on December 03, 2011, 01:50:03 PM
Bumping up an old thread here.

There have been some developments in regards to using the PS3 Memory Card Adapter since the last post.

The main thing is that jimmikaelkael, of Free McBoot fame, plus an unidentified hacker have finally created a program to allow for easy installation of FMCB onto the PS2 Memory Card using Windows ( After playing around with it I do have some issues.

The first one has to do with getting it to work. It has to do with "failing to sign boot kelf" when trying to install onto the card. I am not terribly good with Windows based operating systems (I am a Mac user) so I need a little help in figuring this out.

The next issue has to do with the FMCB programs themselves. The programs that are installed are pretty slick and is better than my current install.

However, it has HDLoader which, to my understanding, was supposedly depreciated in favor of Open PS2 Loader. Nothing against HDLoader, my current build has both HDL and OPL. But the repack just has HDL.

The thing here is that, because the install is already prebuilt, there doesn't seem to be a way to add anything to it or even updating any of the programs that will be installed. Is there going to be a program that will allow for custom installs of FMCB using this method? Or is there a hidden method to change the prebuild?

If I can get this to finally work it will be a whole lot better than the Codebreaker method I have been using for FMCB installs.

And, given the existence of OPL, I am surprised that nobody has updated WiinHip to accomodate. I wonder if it could someday be updated to deal with hard to install games like "Half Life", the only game I have never gotten to install. If anybody has simple instructions on getting that one to work I would like to know.
Once you have FMCB on the memory card you can use the included apps on the PS2 to re-install it to the same memory card with whatever install files you want. You could even use uLaunchELF to copy OPL to the same folder as HDL, deleted HDL, then use FMCB Configurator to change the HDL menu entry to point to OPL. Alternatively, you can leave OPL, use uLE to copy OPL, and use FMCB Config to add a new menu entry. Getting it on the memory card is not an issue. With uLE, you can copy the OPL ELF file from a USB drive, network, disc, etc.