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Recommend me some x68000 games?

Started by Psygnosis8, October 14, 2014, 04:41:51 AM

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Hi ya'll!  I'm an NFGgames virgin.  I joined because I recently purchased an X68000 VI Compact which I'm planning to mod with a CF setup (with a little help from my friends  ;)

I know this PC is famous for it's outstanding arcade ports, but in the west we don't hear much about exclusive games for this thing.  I know about Aquales and A.B. Cop (and I love the version of Thunder Force II for the X68K), but not much else.  I have a lot of fun browsing through games and discovering gems, but I was wondering if you guys had anything to recommend as "must plays".  I love Shmups, platformers, and English-Friendly games are best.  (If the game has porn in it, even better.  Porno games crack me up.)

Anyway,I'm excited to learn more about this unexplored territory from experienced denizens, and any recommendations would be much appreciated!


if u find any game u want and cant find them let me know
i have been collecting them for my hyperspin setup

just fyi


Quote from: craiganderson on October 14, 2014, 05:08:59 AM
if u find any game u want and cant find them let me know
i have been collecting them for my hyperspin setup

just fyi

I saw your thread.  I'm interested to learn more about that.  Thanks for the offer!

Does the hyperspin setup work on actual hardware?


i honestly dont know
but go to the hyperspin forum and somebody will be able to answer
gotta register
its free

hyperspin forum

where i will share my x68000 stuff

my little page homepage


QuoteDoes the hyperspin setup work on actual hardware?

Sadly not.. Hyperspin as you know it on PC's would be near impossible to do running for real on any X68k hardware. A custom launcher that mimics Hyperspin could be coded to work on the X68k.. but it would have to be toned down features and graphics wise to run within the limitations of the hardware.


 Hi Psygnosis8 !

Welcome to the forum. Here is a list of noteworthy games.

All X68000 Capcom games:

Final Fight
Street Fighter 2
Super Street Fighter 2

Must play games:

Bonanza Bros
Bubble Bobble
Dash Yarou
Detana TwinBee
Dodge Ball
Flying Shark
Galaxian 2
Gardis Light
Gradius 2 Gofer
Illumination Laser
Image Fight
Mad Stalker
Moon Cresta
Nemesis 94
New Zealand Story
Sion 2
Sion 4
Sol Feace
Space Harrier
Star Force
Star Luster
Star Trader
Super Hang-On
Terra Cresta

Some good games:

Alien Syndrome
Argos No Senshi
Atomic Robo Kid
Chuka Taisen
Dragon Spirit
Etoile Princesse
Galaga 88
Gemini Wing
Genocide 2
Genpei Toumaden
Marchen Maze
Rally X
River City Ransom

Keep the scene alive !
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


Quote from: eidis on October 14, 2014, 06:26:37 AM
Genpei Toumaden

Love this game.  Would kill for a PCB.  Glad someone else is a fan.

Illumination Laser is a homebrew, right?  I think I played that at robivy64's house.  It was really impressive.


 Hi Psygnosis8 !

The Illumination Laser is a live legend. Check out the following thread for more info:

Illumination Laser found?

Keep the scene alive !
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


So I got my X68K yesterday.  I got it working and I tried Star Luster.  Holy crap, what a beautiful game.  I love the Famicom and Nintendo VS System versions, but nothing could prepare me for how badass this game is.

I also really dig the version of Sol-Feace on here.  Better than the Mega-CD, even without red-book audio.


If you enjoy Star Luster, you owe it to yourself to get a Cyberstick.  Full size analog stick and throttle really adds to the fun.  Not to mention its the only real way to enjoy Thunder Blade, Afterburner, and the like....


Quote from: SuperDeadite on October 22, 2014, 12:48:55 AM
If you enjoy Star Luster, you owe it to yourself to get a Cyberstick.  Full size analog stick and throttle really adds to the fun.  Not to mention its the only real way to enjoy Thunder Blade, Afterburner, and the like....

Wow, that thing looks amazing, thanks for the heads up!  I didn't know any X68K games supported that.  Looks like I'll be looking for one of those on Yahoo Japan soon.  That would be sweet to be able to play a decent home port of After Burner with a flight stick/throttle without having to buy a whole cabinet.

Anybody got one they wanna unload?  ;D


It is a must own.  There's roughly two dozen games or so that support it.  Can also be used with other systems such as MegaDrive/MegaCD/32X/PC-Engine/FM-Towns.

Not the best demo vid, but I'm using it with X68K Space Harrier here.


Very nice!  In on the lookout for it.