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CF Hard Drive LED Mod

Started by X-Col, October 06, 2014, 02:46:52 AM

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Hi Eidis!

I'm just looking at the LED mod in the Wiki, looks straight forward.
Just wondered where you route the wires from one side of the case to the other?

The HD is on the left side and the LED's are on the right  ???


Hi X-Col.

I think you can route using that existing "tunnel" over the daughter board that provides the 5v to the motherboard on the opposite side.

I even managed to route the SCSI flat cable to the opposite tower through/over the daughter board... I have an ATX power supply on my XVI HD and I thought there was not enough space for the AztecMonster as well, so I did this craze routing...

But I am still to make the led mod, I have even the wires in place... I will take a look at the mod on the wiki you mentioned.


I have completed the mod and now have a working HD LED  ;D

It was a right royal pain in the arse because I decided to route the cable through the hole between the two sides (which is under the motherboard).
Had to take the thing apart to get at it. When I put it back together the power supply was creaming at me and the picture on screen was terrible, until I turned it off. It wouldn't come back on only the screaming remained.

The noise stopped when monitor disconnected, and the system booted (I guess as I had not screen to check, but the HD light indicated system was loading). Took it apart again to check for any shorts and found none. Put it back together with the same result.

Loosened the RGB unit screws and turned the system back on. The noise stopped, the screen was clear again And the system booted. I have managed to fix on the RGB unit and have a working system, but it took some fiddling.

I wonder if my RGB unit is on its way out? Or the PSU is still dodgy? Or just bad connections between the RGB unit and mobo?

Anyway, it's working now. Just wary of taking it apart again when it comes to changing the capacitors!  :o


 Hi X-Col !

I would highly advise you not to use your X68000 until a full recap is done. Better safe than sorry.

Keep the scene alive !
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


Quote from: eidis on October 06, 2014, 03:05:25 PM
Hi X-Col !

I would highly advise you not to use your X68000 until a full recap is done. Better safe than sorry.

Keep the scene alive !

I think you're right Eidis.
Screen started flickering, power supply squeal returned, then blank screen again.
Won't power it up again until caps changed....

X68000 completely disassembled, daughter board, motherboard & RGB unit ready to take to my local electronics shop for recap. I didn't want to risk doing it all myself, there's millions of the things!

I'll do the other little recap jobs on the drives, IO riser.

One question, do I also need to recap the additional memory units and Midi board?


 Hi X-Col !


Keep the scene alive !
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


Quote from: eidis on October 07, 2014, 03:21:22 AM
Hi X-Col !


Keep the scene alive !

I haven't disappeared from the scene, I am just waiting for the electronics shop to do the re-cap job. He wasn't too pleased when he saw what I was asking him to do when I took it to him a few weeks ago! He said it was a lot of work.... (so I'm not expecting it to be cheap)
It wasn't working when I took it to him, so I'm hoping the re-cap fixes the issues I was experiencing with the screen and squealing noise.
Looking at the other threads, these issues seem to be part owning a X68000. But I'm sure it's worth it once everything is resolved  ;)