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SNES SCART to PVM-2530 too hot

Started by HDgaming42, February 17, 2013, 05:20:33 PM

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I built a cable to go from SCART to the 25pin DSub on the back of my PVM-2530.  PSX and Genesis look great (besides the jailbars)!

My NTSC SNES tooks waaaay too hot (though it looks fine through My XRGB-2+)   ?????

Here's S-Video

and now RGB

I opened the SCART cable (bought it from eBay, and works with an XRGB-2+) and it has 220 caps, which I believe is correct.

Any idea what's going on here?  Do I need to add resistors as well?  To what lines, and how much?  75?  100?


OK, turns out there was a capacitor on the sync line.  I removed it and there was no difference.

Then for kicks I removed all the remaining caps (RGB).

*drum roll*

No difference.  Absolutely identical to what I'd had before.



Do you have a PAL SNES? If so, you'll need add 75 ohm resistors to the RGB and sync pins.


Quote from: ApolloBoy on February 19, 2013, 05:58:14 AM
Do you have a PAL SNES? If so, you'll need add 75 ohm resistors to the RGB and sync pins.

Sorry, no--didn't mention that.  I have an NTSC SNES, Serial #UN10343021.


Fixed it with help from another forum.  Thought I'd post the solution here for anyone looking in the future.

There was a cap on the sync line that I removed--no difference.  Removed all the caps on RGB--no difference.  Turns out the caps on RGB were the wrong direction!

Redid the caps--sent (-) to the SCART pin and (+) to the wire.  Fixed everything.

Loving the RGB!   :D


Haha, yes, the + side should be oriented towards the transmitter (ie: where the + is coming from) and - goes to the output (ie: receiver). 

Glad you worked it out.