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Caps list for X68030 twin tower

Started by stt1, August 04, 2011, 09:56:55 AM

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Hello there,

I had to change caps to two broken X68030 computers and they both revived after changing the caps. Quite a job, but here are you the list of caps, if you need to do the same. I recommend you to take only few "aluminium can" caps off at the time and change them to the tantalum type caps straight away, so you wont make errors. Also, if you do this all the same way using SMD-type capacitors as I did, take a careful look on the casing sizes. There are four different standard casings for the SMD tantalum caps and only 2-3 of the casing sizes are suitable depending from the cap you're chancing. I used myself couple of hours for measuring and selecting the correct sizes and good prices from Farnell catalog, but it was worth it! If someone needs, I can pass the Farnell codes for the caps I used. Cheaper method is using non-SMD caps though.

NOTE1: Some C-markings were very tightly printed in the I/O-board, so I'm not sure if they are all correct. Values for caps are correct though.

NOTE2: I did not touch to disk drives, they were still working well, so no list from them.


C3   6,3V   100uF
C4   16V   100uF
C6   16V   100uF
C9   50V   0,47uF
C15   6,3V   100uF
C17   6,3V   330uF
C18   6,3V   330uF
C24   6,3V   100uF
C33   6,3V   330uF
C34   6,3V   330uF
C37   6,3V   47uF


C201   50V   1uF
C203   6,3V   22uF
C207   50V   0,47uF
C208   50V   0,47uF
C209   6,3V   100uF
C210   6,3V   100uF
C213   6,3V   100uF
C215   6,3V   100uF
C217   6,3V   100uF
C218   25V   4,7uF
C219   25V   4,7uF
C221   6,3V   100uF
C225   16V   100uF
C227   25V   4,7uF
C229   25V   4,7uF
C231   6,3V   100uF
C233   16V   10uF
C234   16V   100uF
C236   25V   4,7uF
C237   25V   4,7uF
C238   16V   47uF
C239   16V   47uF
C240   16V   100uF
C241   25V   4,7uF
C243   16V   100uF
C244   50V   0,47uF
C250   16V   47uF
C251   6,3V   100uF
C252   25V   4,7uF
C253   16V   100uF
C254   16V   100uF
C255   6,3V   100uF
C256   50V   0,47uF
C257   50V   0,47uF
C259   50V   1uF
C262   50V   1uF
C266   6,3V   330uF


C401   6,3V   100uF
C405   6,3V   100uF
C409   6,3V   100uF
C410   6,3V   100uF
C411   6,3V   100uF


C501   6,3V   47uF
C503   6,3V   47uF
C505   16V   47uF
C507   16V   47uF

Have fun!

- Saku

Edit: some typos corrected and text formed better, caps list not touched.


"If someone needs, I can pass the Farnell codes for the caps I used"

If you have this useful list , i take :)