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Issues with HDD Image

Started by SuperDeadite, August 01, 2012, 12:25:59 PM

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Most stuff works very nicely but:

Afterburner - boots fine, but locks up when you start the game and your jet takes off from the carrier.
Bosconian - Runs fine, but you get a weird messed up stage pattern.  Like the first stage is covered in rocks and mines in a grid like formation.  Bad dump?
Salamander - does not boot, gives a memory error.
Zero Master Striker -  Very minor, missing the first speech sound when the mid-point boss comes out.  Probably missing from the image used.

I've tried all variations with 10/16mhz speeds (using real XVI), loading from LHES or pure prompt, etc. 
I made images off my originals and using 2HDBoot, all the above issues were fixed. :)

Also, probably unrelated but:
Cybercore - Makes an earsplitting sound effect at times.  However,  I just tried my original floppy and it does the same thing.  I looked at an old youtube vid of mine and it didn't use to do that.  I reset SRAM but same thing.   ???  Maybe I have a dieing part? But only occurs in this one game so far...


 Check the following games in V3 and your image and see if they will work ;)


X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


Don't have time to reflash right now, but in my image on my machine:

R-Type: works fine ( i played up to stage 3)
V-Ball:  does not work, i get the "can't run please reset" thing.

I know I'm a noob at this stuff still.  If you know something I don't please throw me a line here. :)

Oh, and Souhou Blue Phoenix is the "Taste Version", meaning the demo with only 1 stage.


Hi SuperDeadite !

You are doing great because there is no such thing as a noob in X68k scene. The device itself filters them away instantaneously ;)

As we all know DiskExplorer has bugs. File sizes tend to change when copying them from one image to another and some games like Salamander, R-Type (corrupt graphics below the game screen) and V-Ball get corrupted. I usually copy the required game files from floppy image to the new HDD image to fix this issue. Because of such fragile infrastructure I tend to test every game before releasing the image and it is very time consuming, taking into account that misconfigured !Start.bat files sometimes can randomly corrupt the image. Usually it is related to loading drivers from them. Even with such extensive testing, there will allways be something which will not work as planned.

Another issue is the lack of RAM. Most users have 2MB so IMHO that should be the milestone so that as many users as possible could join in the fun and 2hdboot should only be used as a last resort.

X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


Ah I see.   :)  I fully support an image that runs on low specs.  But the 777 mbs was simply not enough space for my uses.  I added a few games, and then it was full.  My first goal is to get every game I want to play on my machine.  Using any means that work.  Getting games to run at lower specs is step two.

Interesting find though, Zero's missing voice effect hit my curiosity so I looked around.  A capture video on youtube is also missing the the first voice sound effect, so I simply downloaded the online image and tested with XM6, again missing the same effect.  And the V3 image version is also missing the effect.  I actually own an original copy of the game and I created a new disk image from it, so I either I have an updated version of the game, or the online image wasn't dumped properly, though odd that it's just one missing voice effect.