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Plastic Casing....

Started by ZipZapPro, March 24, 2004, 06:42:05 AM

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anyone know where I can get different shaped plastic boxes easy to cut with a dremel. I want to hack open my N64 and replace it in some totally different shaped box!


Most 'project boxes' are simple cubes and rectangles, I don't know any online sellers tho.

All plastic boxes are easy to cut with a dremel.  Mostly.  The dremel is an inherently cumbersome tool with some serious limitations when it comes to making complex curves and straight lines, but it's better than anything else.  =)


This is what i wanted to do too! (with pc tho)

Project boxes as you mentioned only come in certain sizes, and like lawrence suggested are boring rectangles. If your serious about this, you need more tools then a dremel, and you need sheets of plexi, or whatever.

If you dont know anybody who fabricates stuff for cars, guitars, or other projects you should prolly forget it.

What you can do with a dremel though that would be cool, is modify a dvd player or vcr case to put your console in and trick it out with cool lighting etc.
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN


I wanted one super long box and put the two N64s in it side by side, PS2, and gamecube! I included a picture!


That's gonna turn into a huge box, have you considered front-mounting the N64 cartslots to save space?  The cartridge port is removable, and with a little effort you can solder a couple of ribbon cables to the port and the PCB, allowing you to put the cart port anywhere you like.  If you front-mount at least one of them you can stack the two N64 units vertically, making the whole thing MUCH narrower.

And if you shell out a few extra bones for the gamecube you can mangle the Panasonic Q, which has a tray loader, so nothing will need to load from the top of the box.


Specialty companies that make custom speaker enclousures for car subwoofers using molds and fiberglass could easily make you a beautifully painted perfect custom case, for only like 2000.00 dollars. I realized while typing that that it was a bad idea. What about a machine shop that does custom plastic fabrication? Or, make it out of a tree stump you get free from the forest. I need to think my ideas through before I just type away, eh? (sigh)  <_<  
Hey there, fancy pants!


Particle board or MDF might be a good idea and alot cheaper. and you can cut that with anything...
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