Sharp X1 RGB pinout

Started by pmack, May 23, 2012, 12:27:32 PM

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Hi there

I just got a Sharp X1 and now I am trying to figure out a way to get a video cable made. It has a DIN 6 pin connector (you can see a screenshot of the original cable here: and I need to try to figure out how to create a RGB-> SCART or RGB->VGA cable.

Any tips?



We had this discussion on the forum before but I can't find the thread.  That's a digital cable, the pinout for the monitor end is here:

Digital's useless for your purposes.   However, because it's not EGA-style digital, it seems that you can connect this to an analogue 15kHz RGB monitor by adding 150 Ohm resistors to each of the RGB lines, as seen here.

That link also includes pinouts.  =)


Thanks Lawrence. I actually found a RF converter for this computer for a ok price. Should be getting it soon, let's see how it works.

If anyone is interested in making one of these RGB cables let me know - my soldering skills are null so I am ok with paying someone to do the dirt work :-)