(UPDATE 19-4 )PC ENGINE Plugable amped rgb mod via exp port- complete and easy

Started by bigsanta, November 19, 2010, 09:46:23 AM

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well I figured if they made a port that shape there has to be a plug for it somewhere.  Probably hard to find.  Nice box!


For the version which lets you use the cd rom rom (briefcase etc)you'll need twelve 8 way housings,six 6 way housings and six 1 way housings.

Then you'll need some pcb headers ,which will plug into the cd rom rom interface,so you'll need 29 straight ones that will plug into  the bottom row of holes

Then you'll need two right angle rows of pcb headers,23 per row (middle and top rows of the cd rom rom socket)

Some 28 awg stranded wire,and you'll just be using the same crimp terminals as above for the rgb mod box.
The idea is just to have your wires connect straight from the pc engine's expansion port/connector ,all the way to the cd rom rom's connector/socket.
On each end of your cut wire you'll have a crimp terminal and a housing and one end plugs into the back of the pc engine ,while the other end plug onto the pcb header and the header plugs into the cd rom rom's socket.

All but 6 wires are just a straight through direct connection,while the remaining 6 (Vcc /+5 volts,Vss/gnd, R,G,B and csync) need to be crimped in a Y version .This is where in stead of having one piece of wire,you'll have two and a total of 3 crimp terminals.On each of the wire ,just put one crimp terminal ,so the other end remains bare.Now you'll put those two bare ends together and push them into the last remaining crimp terminal and crimp it.Hence the Y shape and one end will go into the back of the pc engine and the other into the back of the  cd rom rom  .

The remaining crimp end ,will plug into a rgb mod box's housings (with the 6 remaining pcb headers fitted in the ends) now you just need one of those rca red and white cables for the left and right audio coming out of the briefcase's audio jacks ,and plug them into the jacks on the rgb mod box .

God i'm glad that's over 


Quote from: Drakon on December 12, 2010, 01:27:53 AM
well I figured if they made a port that shape there has to be a plug for it somewhere.  Probably hard to find.  Nice box!
Sorry if my reply sounded  a bit ::) ,but it turns out there IS something similar ,they're named DIN41612
Get the 96 way straight version and chop them  down to size .The only thing is how well the soldered wires hold up to the forces from each time you pull the DIN out of the Pc engine's exp socket.They will eventually snap of ,but a crimp version would be better.