PS2 RGB cable gets picture interference when attaching GND for audio

Started by skforty, August 19, 2010, 04:30:14 PM

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Title says it all.   Im sure im noobing this one up.  I made my own RGB cable for ps2 with lm1881 and caps attached.  When i attach a ground for the audio, i get interference on video, just a little ghosting.  Ive tried moving the L&R audio wires away, doesnt seem to matter.  No matter what i do, the moment the audio ground, (whether or not the RCA jacks are connected to any input) i get ghosting.  Maybe the audio cables im using are crap, not shielded right?  Maybe they are pulling too much?  i dont know...Any ideas? thanks!

NM i seem to have fixed the problem by using the VIDEOGND pin 8 for the video ground (go figure ;) ) and pin 1&3 for audio ground.  Sounds and looks great now.


strange how some systems require seperate grounds for audio and video.  Yet my snes (and I think also my sega genesis) can use the same ground with no trouble.  Glad you were able to work this one out.