File Manager in English?

Started by JackLeather, August 02, 2010, 05:33:25 PM

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Is there a file manager available in English? Something that will let me rename, move, delete etc
X68000 ACE-HD, 4Mb RAM, ATX PSU (internal). Cyber Stick. Keyboard. Mouse. Monitor. ACARD AEC-7720U SCSI-IDE with 1Gb compact flash.


Since most of the file commands are DOS-compatible, I don't think you really need a file manager, do you?  L2DOS?  ;)

I've never really had a need for one personally, so I've never looked into it.


Quote from: Lawrence on August 03, 2010, 11:11:18 AM
Since most of the file commands are DOS-compatible, I don't think you really need a file manager, do you?  L2DOS?  ;)

I've never really had a need for one personally, so I've never looked into it.

thanks Lawrence

Well yes i could use DOS and right now i have to. however Japanese isn't my strong point.

example: if i try and remove a directory with rmdir DOS tells me i cant if its not empty - in Japanese. if i search for x68k dos commands to remove a directory which isn't empty i get the same problem - Japanese. I have been using google translate  ::). utilities like 'file manager' and 'file professor' will do all kinds of clever things like this but some of the powerful stuff is in...Japanese.

This question isn't just for me it for all non-Japanese reading X68k owners that want to dabble.

i have even started a spreadsheet with frequent message translations.  ;D
X68000 ACE-HD, 4Mb RAM, ATX PSU (internal). Cyber Stick. Keyboard. Mouse. Monitor. ACARD AEC-7720U SCSI-IDE with 1Gb compact flash.


X68000 hardware is way out of my area of expertise, but this talk of DOS commands brought up a faint memory. Does the command line in this environment support the ERRORLEVEL variable? It seems like you could just look at the last value of that for each command you're attempting and suss out the actual problem based on the numerical value, rather than relying on a text message. I don't know if that applies here or not.


Quote from: kendrick on August 04, 2010, 06:54:12 AM
X68000 hardware is way out of my area of expertise, but this talk of DOS commands brought up a faint memory. Does the command line in this environment support the ERRORLEVEL variable? It seems like you could just look at the last value of that for each command you're attempting and suss out the actual problem based on the numerical value, rather than relying on a text message. I don't know if that applies here or not.

good idea. i will have a look at this. not sure it will give all the info needed however.

Does anyone know if the Human 3.0 DOS manual is online? maybe we could get it translated? at least partially? in fact are any x68k docs online? something like;
X68000 ACE-HD, 4Mb RAM, ATX PSU (internal). Cyber Stick. Keyboard. Mouse. Monitor. ACARD AEC-7720U SCSI-IDE with 1Gb compact flash.


Seems to me I did a lot of this work already, yes...  


UPDATE:  Added a bunch of FILE operations.  Google does an admirable job of translating these, but ideally I think we should create an English version.


Quote from: Lawrence on August 05, 2010, 06:07:38 PM
Seems to me I did a lot of this work already, yes... 


UPDATE:  Added a bunch of FILE operations.  Google does an admirable job of translating these, but ideally I think we should create an English version.

Thanks! this is exactly what i mean. However the most recent stuff displays as pages of question marks. Is this by design or am i missing something?
X68000 ACE-HD, 4Mb RAM, ATX PSU (internal). Cyber Stick. Keyboard. Mouse. Monitor. ACARD AEC-7720U SCSI-IDE with 1Gb compact flash.


Yeah, you need to be sure your browser supports Japanese.  I use Opera on Win7 and it just works.  On XP you might have to install Japanese?  I thought all modern browsers just worked with this stuff.


Quote from: Lawrence on August 07, 2010, 08:41:09 PM
Yeah, you need to be sure your browser supports Japanese.  I use Opera on Win7 and it just works.  On XP you might have to install Japanese?  I thought all modern browsers just worked with this stuff.

Thats it. i am using k-meleon on w98 machine (my x68000's slave  :D). it looks fine in safari.

Any chance we could get this is english? if i could read Japanese i would do it myself.
X68000 ACE-HD, 4Mb RAM, ATX PSU (internal). Cyber Stick. Keyboard. Mouse. Monitor. ACARD AEC-7720U SCSI-IDE with 1Gb compact flash.


Google translate does a very solid job of translating it, shouldn't be too much effort to take that foundation and make proper English out of it.


Quote from: Lawrence on August 08, 2010, 09:21:10 AM
Google translate does a very solid job of translating it, shouldn't be too much effort to take that foundation and make proper English out of it.

Just added an entry for ED.X

X68000 ACE-HD, 4Mb RAM, ATX PSU (internal). Cyber Stick. Keyboard. Mouse. Monitor. ACARD AEC-7720U SCSI-IDE with 1Gb compact flash.