Fairchild Video Entertainment System

Started by superstition, February 17, 2010, 03:12:52 PM

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I purchased one of these on Ebay and it worked perfectly, including the controllers, for a short time and then died. I read, after that, that the consoles often pop chips if they're not fully room temperature when they're used. The console must have still been cool from shipping when I used it.

The site that had the note about popping chips said there weren't any known fixes. This doesn't make much sense to me unless the console is impossible to take apart. A chip that's popped out can be popped back in again, right? I remember Apple's instruction to drop early Apple IIIs onto a desk to reseat popped chips.

I am not an electronics-savvy person. I will have to take it to someone who can do things like solder if that's what's involved. But, I'm curious to see if anyone has found a solution for this issue. I'm going to do a Google search now.

P.S. The VES is the same console as the "Channel F" (a later name).


Quote5a. Base unit

It is doubtful that the console would develop a problem. We have not found any
schematics yet for the unit. One good hint to keep in mind, if you drag out your
system from storage to play with it, be sure to let it sit at room temperature for at least
2 days before you turn it on for the first time. This will allow the unit to "warm up" to
room temperature. I you don't do this, when you turn on a cold unit directly out of
storage, you may pop a chip!


It's too bad the Ebay seller didn't know this. Who knows how many systems are subject to ruin because of this problem?