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Useful Human68k OS commands

Started by Magic Knight, November 17, 2009, 06:03:47 PM

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Magic Knight

I decided to write up an explanation of the most useful commands in Human68k. Many I left out as there is almost no reason a casual user will ever need them. HumanOS was designed to look and feel just like MS-DOS so if you've used DOS you'll be at home with HumanOS.

Changes the attributes of a file.
Usage: ATTRIB <option> filename

Examples: ATTRIB +R info.txt
will make info.txt a read-only file. To make a file read/write use –R e.g.
ATTRIB -R info.txt

Use +H to make a file hidden and –H to make a file unhidden.

I've found ATTRIB to be very useful when I need to delete hidden system files from directories. The directory will often look empty but cannot be deleted. So from within the directory I use:
ATTRIB –H –S *.*
which removes the hidden and system attributes from all files. All files will now be visible and can be deleted (typically the Human.sys file is the culprit)

Checks your disks. Using CHKDSK /A also checks subdirectories and gives a report on the sectors used. CHKDSK /V does the same but does not give a report on sectors.

COPYALL copies everything from one directory to another, including subdirectories. For example,
would copy everything on the disk in drive A to that in B.

sets up the RS232 communications port. Entering SPEED without parameters at the command line will open the SPEED program from which the user can determine the desired parameters. From left to right, they are:
Baud Rate – Data bits – Parity – Stop bits – Flow Control
When communicating with a modern PC a low baud rate is recommended, 2400 baud being ideal. A higher baud rate usually results in buffer overflow.

SYS copies system files from one disk to another, just as in MS-DOS. So with a system disk in the A drive, the command SYS B: at the A: prompt will transfer the system files from the disk in drive A to that in B.

Again, just like the MS-DOS command, TYPE displays the contents of a text file on screen. Syntax is TYPE <filename>. To display long files one page at a time, use a pipe, e.g. TYPE readme.txt | more

Used to set the current time. Entering the command TIME without parameters will display the time as determined by the machine. The TIME program will now wait for a new time to be entered. The format is <hh>:<mm>:<ss>, and the 24-hour clock is used.

Used to set the current date. Functions in the same manner as TIME. The date format is <yyyy>:<mm>:<dd>, where the year must be in the range 1980 – 2079.


Hey, add this to the Wiki, will ya?  I've made a head start by posting a ton of Japanese content (check SYSTEM):

Magic Knight

Ok, I can have a go at it. I wasn't sure how to do it so that's why I posted here to begin with. I've read through pretty much all of the manual (and the manual for the XVI itself) and I found that most of it is unnessary for the average user. I reckon anyone who knows DOS is fine, and anyone who doesn't could research it first in their own language.

The commands I wrote up on are the ones I've found useful.

I was thinking of writing up a bit on some third-party programs like SUSIE, LZH utilities, ZMODEM etc. Maybe that would be useful. I have a method of transfering from Windows 98 PC to X68000 using a null modem cable, but the BASIC program was given to me by someone who hasn't released it yet, so I might ask him if I can do that. It's a nice way of transfering files without needing floppy disks.

There's also C compilers, assemblers etc. and then there's the hardware side - those Inside and Outside X68000 books are big. I'll be a busy man.


Yes, you will be!  Get started, while I bake you a congratulations cake.  It'll be done when you are.  ;)