Bad MVS :(

Started by carlosemandrade, August 24, 2009, 11:52:33 AM

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Hello all,

Tried to test a MVS board on sale at a game meeting, but got only distorted picture  :(

The setup was : Jamma connector, ATX power supply, PSOne screen with RGB & Csync inputs (works very well with MSX and Megadrive from RGB lines). 

But picture was totally distorted and out of sync. Sometimes random squares like []  mixed with out-of-sync picture.

I checked many times all pinouts, cables, connections, voltages  (with board on, all ok +5 and +12v)... but... nada... so i returned it

Has anyone experienced similar problems with this board ?


The sync and RGB signals from the MVS are very strong and will overwhelm many monitors.  I can't say for sure this is your problem, but I had similar issues with many displays.


I used 1k pots from rgb lines but the sync was directly wired in the test ::)

Is there any method or circuit to correctly use the MVS on displays you mentioned ?
