LM1881 help

Started by Blaine, February 28, 2009, 02:32:45 AM

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Maybe not technically. I'm just interested in some advice. After putting together my new powersupply, upscaler board and sync strip circuit, I see that the syn stripper is getting 4.97V instead of the 5V it needs.

Is there anything I can try to get that remaining .03 volts?
If you can mod it... I'll find a way to screw it up!


that's 5V for practical purposes.  if it is working then don't wory about it.


And if it's not working?
If you can mod it... I'll find a way to screw it up!


It's probably not from that.  But your power supply may have a pot to raise the voltage.


Okay. I'm out tonight, but tomorrow I'll check the supply. It's also possible I've not wired the sync stripper properly - sounds like the kinda shit I'd do.

If you can mod it... I'll find a way to screw it up!