HD-Converter (GBS-8220) how to play snes on naomi cab

Started by ggya, January 29, 2009, 08:16:28 AM

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i am a newbie and i bought a HD-Converter (GBS-8220) to build it inside my naomi cab (31khz vga screen).

It works perfectly with all new video game system Xbox360 (from yuv input) or DC, but i can not get a picture from my snes and my saturn.

Could help me and tell me if it can be possible and how to do.

Kind regards


Hey guys,

I ve made it, it is very simple, just extract the video synchro signal from the video composite (from scart) with an LM1881 homemade circuit. Then connect R- G- B - ground (from scart) and synchro (from the Lm1881) to GBS converter (P3).

I tested it with Xbox (ind-bios 5003 vga support), Ps2, snes and it work, the picture is very good quality, the only wrong thing it that sometime the screen jump with an horizontal wave on the screen.

Does someone can help me or explain me the matter and if there is a solution.

If someone is interested I can put some picture of all connections (scart, lm1881, GBS).

Thx for your help.



you say you're having sync problems after using an lm1881? That sucks cause I'm in the process of getting an lm1881 to hook up my consoles through rgbs from scart. Right now they're going from scart rgb to a ypbpr converter box and into the gonbes pcb ypbpr input and finally into my monitor. It works but I get screen jumping and blackouts on very bright flashing screens (especially the snes...).

I was hoping to solve this issue by going straight through the rgbs connection with an lm1881 (I also don't like going through two stages of unnecessary video processing (rgb-ypbpr-rgbhv)) but you say your having problems with the screen jumping after using an lm1881... :-\

Has anyone had this problem with the (gbs-8220 pcb) and solved it?... I would still need the ypbpr input for component cables going from my gamecube and future wii so solving this sync problem over the ypbpr input is a must aswell... I'd hate to know that I gotta do somekinda firmware update to it since I'm sure there's no such thing and ontop of that I don't know chinese...