N64 & saturn S-video

Started by splatari, January 10, 2009, 08:57:06 AM

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Hi All

Long time reader, short time member. Just bought an LG LCD 47inch hdtv,

I've gone through pretty much every post and have decided to get s-video up and running on the N64. I have both a NTSC and PAL machine, i bought an s-video cable, really nasty looking Dragoncube brand. On the pal machine it was just horrible with dots and crap everywhere, so i think that it must be an NTSC cable with no resistors. Tried it on my NTSC machine and the same results! The cheap ass dargoncube cable had both luma and chroma going through luma, wtf?

So, after taking apart the cable to bare wire status, i'm thinking of soldering directly on the NTSC mobo, This Will work? From what ive read I dont need the 750ohm or 220uF. oh,, and the luma/chroma wires are red and white where as audio is yellow and blue, nasty

I also want s-video for my white and grey saturn. I have a japanese 21 pin cable, so i want to rewire this to eur scart and then use a scart to s-video/av adapter which i have. Logic suggests this should work?

I'll get a j-rok eventually but at the moment this is my options, the tv wont do 15kz

Help appreciated


TV won't do 15khz? You have yourself a weird TV there.......

The systems in question output 15khz.

As for the cable, why not just fix the wiring in the cable instead of soldering to the motherboard?

The SCART cable. As long as the wires are in the right place on either end, and you follow the standard (There is a standard right guys?) it should work. I don't do SCART though, so......


Tks IJTF_Cinder

I'll do both for s video then. I Need to solder the n64 as the 3rd party s-video cable has a really nasty connector which doesnt have the necessary holes for the job, i'm experienced with soldering and this is a basic job. Basically it was composite going through s-video.

I checked my TV service manual and the rgb is 31khz, no lower. doesnt the xrgb and likewise convert from 31 to 15?? or am I having a  ??? moment. The tv has vga, component x 3, hdmi x3, s-video x 3, av x 2

Oh, i recomend no-one ever spends the money on any dragoncube product, the s-video isn't s-video like it says, and i've read on a french site thet the rgb/scart is neither


By not doing 15kh with RGB, I assume you mean it doesn't do 15khz over VGA.

Unfortunately not all do, for whatever stupid reason I will never understand, it's not like the video processor can't handle it if it handles other 15khz sources.


Yeah, I meant RGB/VGA

The Saturn RGB cable in a japanese box, written in japanese with images of a japanese saturn is actually a euro scart cable  ::) The saturn looks heaps better in S-video.

The direct solder with the N64 worked out well to, much crisper image then before and no black dots, I've removed the 750/220 from an official pal av cable and wired up s-video for pal n64 as well, looks great!

I'll get to RGB when i can get the parts needed, I know it was pretty straight forward but thanks for the confirmation that this setup would work.


Ok, just to re-cap my endless attempts at making my old consoles look better.

The Saturn now looks shit for some reason, The dot crawl is so bad it hurts to look @, doesnt make sense because is was ok when i did it. Closer inspections reveal the Scart to s-video box has none of the ground wires attached. I've given up and Bought a Scart to YUV convertor, it's one of those ones that has only red/green/blue sockets so i'll need to re-wire audio. but better then nothing.

Also, i've hooked my laptop up via vga and tried N64 emulation. i'm not into emulation but it seems a perfect option for crisp n64 gaming. I'd hate to adopt emulation over the real thing coz i have a huge n64 library, but seems the best option. Anyone else taken this path? i suspect not the purists


I take the path of emulation to preserve my own hardware, but only when the emulation is fairly accurate. N64 emulation is not accurate in many games as far as I'm concerned.

I have my original Playstation put away, because I feel ePSXe does an excellent job.

I'm also not a purist that bitches aout scanlines etc. What sane person WANTS scanlines? The scanlines you see in emulators, look NOTHING like they do on a real TV/Monitor. On a real monitor, you can barely notice them.
I prefer to enhance my games, deinterlaced, 2xsai filtering. If I want the real thing exactly as it is on the real thing, I'd play the real thing.

Purists are nothing more than stuck up and self-absorbed "I'm always right" types. More often than not, these are the trolls you find on the internet.
If any of them were real purists, they would not also advocate modifications to real hardware to "improve" them. The hardware is what it is.


Quote from: IJTF_Cinder on January 13, 2009, 10:43:25 AMWhat sane person WANTS scanlines? The scanlines you see in emulators, look NOTHING like they do on a real TV/Monitor. On a real monitor, you can barely notice them.
I prefer to enhance my games, deinterlaced, 2xsai filtering. If I want the real thing exactly as it is on the real thing, I'd play the real thing.

Purists are nothing more than stuck up and self-absorbed "I'm always right" types. More often than not, these are the trolls you find on the internet.
If any of them were real purists, they would not also advocate modifications to real hardware to "improve" them. The hardware is what it is.

We should probably keep in mind the difference between opinion and fact.  I _like_ scanlines on retro games, I also like interlacing.  It gives the games a vibrancy that they often lack, especially on modern LCD screens.  When playing the real hardware I make sure to use a real CRT, kept near my PC for the purpose.

That some people are purist retards who project their own desires onto everyone else does not mean that people who want to do things the way they like to are wrong.  I tend to think that, at least on this forum, the reasons aren't important: if someone wants scanlines or interpolated upscaling I'm not going to freak out 'cause I disagree.

I emulate for convenience.  I use real hardware for purity.  I mod the living shit out of everything I own 'cause I hate being limited. 

...Do purists even come here?  I think they all hate me.  =)


Yes but you like what you like, and you don't insist everyone else that doesn't like the same things you do, is an idiot "because it's not like the real thing".

Scanlines in emulators, if you like them fine. But I've heard enough people bitch that filtering and no scanlines is so not like the real thing and is oh so taboo. HELLO! You're using an emulator, that immediately throws these elitist bastards opinions into the trash bin without ever being looked upon.

My opinion was just that. I think you're crazy for wanting scanlines in emulators, because they don't look like the real thing. I have yet to see an emulator that accurately depicts scanlines, on any type of display. The real hardware on an interlaced display that it was intended for, looks nothing like it does on a non interlaced CRT computer monitor no matter how hard you try.


You know you're right about N64 emulation, Ive put roms of each cart I own and some are just not good at all, mario golf in particular looks awful. But, my scart to YUV has turned up! So all is good.