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Gamecube XRGB-2 - diagonal scrolling lines

Started by Darklegion, December 04, 2008, 03:20:09 PM

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Well, I bought a PAL gamecube recently and didn't want to use the composite cables, so I got hold of a cheap scart rgb cable.I rewired it to JAP-RGB and hooked it up to my XRGB-2, and it looks nice.However, I get diagonally scrolling lines in the picture, which looks like interference.It looks somewhat similar to the artifacts in composite video, however the lines are larger and they seem to be scrolling from both the top left to bottom right and top right to bottom left.They are very noticable in high brightness areas (like the capcom logo when starting Resident Evil)

So I opened up my cable, and rewired it according to this schematic:

But the problem persists.I'm thinking that because this cable lacks actual shielding (besides the metal cover inside the scart connector) that this is what's causing it, but I've used scart cables without shielding before on other consoles with no such issue.I'm next going to try removing the capacitors from the RGB lines although I doubt this will fix the issue.I've seen this issue mentioned on but it was fixed by using the official nintendo cables, and I haven't seem them available anywhere.

My console does have the digital port, so I can use the component/digital cable mod method, but the cable is ridiculously expensive in Australia, and I just don't have the money for it at the moment.

EDIT: Tried removing the capacitors from the RGB lines, didn't fix it.Also I cut open the cable near the gamecube connector side of the cable, and cut the 5V line, in case it was causing interference, and it didn't fix it.

I also saw this post:;quote=2296;topic=249.0;num_replies=20;sesc=8b95e4f7214f4d95c56d93079889c1c2

I tried hooking up my ps2 with the composite cables while the gamecube was powered on and playing a game, but this didn't help either.


I rewired the cable with shielded cable I cannibalized from a couple of ps2 composite cables, and the problem seems to be gone :)