Looking for RGB switchbox without signal loss

Started by RGBcrazy, October 21, 2008, 04:49:20 AM

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Not unless there's amplification, and then you're trading distortion or noise for the regained signal. As a general rule, analog switchboxes introduce signal loss whereas digital switchboxes do not.



I use a pair of four way switchboxes that I got from UK firm Lektropacks.  I imagine there is signal loss, but it is minimal.  (Their may be some form of amplification involved).  Right now, I even run two of them daisychained.  All the switching is done electronically, so there are no mechanical parts to wear out.  I've seen these boxes on eBay under the brand names "Quintro," and "Trilogy," where they run at around US$100.

There are also other solid state switch boxes on eBay under the brand name "Thor" for a similar prices, but I have no experience with these.  I may try one out though if I get any more RGB devices.




I think its only something you could buy as proffessional equipment or you have to do it yourself. I'm thining about making one out of those cheap Printer port sharers, since they connect/disconnect all lines at once.

I know someone with a Scart switchbox and there is alot of intereference and stuff. I look if i can even find that VGA switchbox. I believe that switchbox was pretty bad also. I cant beieve it...The picture is sharp and crisp with over 5 metres of cable in varying quality, but with a short one and the box...ugh...

Maybe Gold plated contacts would have helped. :P


Like I said, there are GOOD quality consumer SCART switchboxes sold in the UK.  All you would need to do is pay the shipping and import tax to get them to wherever you are.

There are professional switches made by people like Kramer, which can be used in home installs, but they run to several hundreds of pounds.  This is an idea I have entertained, but tbh, I'm happy with the quality of the consumer equipment I have and rigging up BNC cables for the professional equipment would be far more hassle on top of the price.

Cyber Axe

I dont think signal loss is that much to worry about when it comes to RGB i have a cheapo SCART Switch i bought from argos was only sometihng like £10 ($20) signal quality appears to be as good as it is going straight into the television, half my cables are also cheapo ones and the quality of the picture on the consoles with the the cheapo ones is just as good as the expensive ones.

i also had a more expensive Auto Switching Scart thing but that died not too long ago also had that daisy changed up with the manual switcher and no quality loss that i could perceive and i'm very good at noticing such things, ialso have my xbox 360 hooke dup through my digital tv receiver as a passthrough and excelent quality through that too


Quote from: RGBcrazy on October 21, 2008, 04:49:20 AM
is there such a thing?

What sort of connectors are you looking for on a RGB switchbox?  There are a number of different types... most of the replies on this thread seem to think you're looking for a SCART switcher.  Is this correct?


The trouble with using anything other than SCART is that you're then entering into the realms of custom cables, when there are a plethora of ready made SCART cables for just about every console under the sun.


Yup, I'm looking for a SCART RGB switchbox. I'm located in Europe. All my retro consoles are connected to the TV via RGB scart cables, most custom made. But since I have about 12, it would be easier to use a switchbox instead of killing the scart connector in my tv...