updated NES to Duo hack - by Duo-R

Started by duo_r, October 06, 2008, 08:57:43 AM

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ok, this isn't as popular as converting a Saturn pad to another system, but an updated to the NES controller to Duo/TG-16 writeup I did a while back. I used a cooler NES controller this time that makes more sense to convert to a Duo since it features turbo controls.

First attempt: NES Dog Bone

2nd Attempt: Sansui SSS NES controller

Need some ideas on what to do with the volume slide switch. The NES board only had mono line adjustment, so that didn't do me any good. This has me thinking - can I reuse that slide switch with the ground line. That would start at 0% connnection and gradually go to 100% connection (it uses resistors for each click up). Would that work? Any other ideas what I should do with that part?

Still need to finish the controller end so you don't see the wires. The Sansui featured a audio jack built into the controller. It had a single RCA coming out of the controller end that you could plug into a NES. I used a 10 line data wire cable, and have 2 audio lines shielded that I am going to split out to plug into the DUO Audio jack. So it will be true stereo.

Link to the writeup (PDF format)


Note - I am going to update how to add the Turbo fire chip