begging your collective pardon, questions about RGB and my NeoGeo AES...

Started by allyourblood, August 08, 2008, 07:04:39 AM

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hello all, and especially Lawrence!

(the "meat" of my question begins in the 4th paragraph, should you prefer not to read the intro and background details i've provided)

i have lurked on for many years (perhaps at least eight), off and on. while i have done a few simple modifications to my own systems (US/JAP language mod on Genesis, various LED mods, simple cartridge port mods, etc..), i've never done anything in-depth or advanced. to be honest, while i enjoy reading this forum quite a bit, i really have very little idea what it is you folks are talking about! i have long been a fan of getting the absolute best picture quality from the systems i own, and have made strides to purchase the appropriate cables when possible (and reasonably priced). however, i have never been able to completely ignore that nagging feeling at the back of my mind when i think of the allure of building my own RGB cables...

recently, i had the good fortune to purchase an SNK Neo Geo AES (early serial # US model), with a couple games for a very nice price. unfortunately, i was crushed when i plugged it in to my TV (via RF adapter), and witnessed what i believe is the worst output i have ever seen, above any of my other classic consoles, and regardless of video output type (RF, composite, component, etc). after checking both systems' pinouts, i borrowed the composite cable from my CoreGrafx, and tried that. while marginally better than RF, it still simply won't do. i fear i must make use of RGB or not play it at all.

while trying to figure out what solution to use (hacking my own cables, using an xrgb unit with my HDTV, etc), it dawned on me that i have a perfectly suitable RGB-capable display already! some time ago, a coworker gave me a Viewsonic p220f -- a 22" flat-screen monitor that accepts RGB over individual BNCs, along with separate V.sync and H+V.sync inputs. i have actually considered giving this thing away a couple times in the past, and i'm glad i didn't.

so, i've got the system, i've got the monitor, and i've got the will. also, thanks to, i've got the pinout. now, my first big (and likely quite laughable) question for you folks is: can i simply wire up a cable connecting the R/G/B and composite sync directly to my monitor's BNCs? this is going to sound even more elementary, but what do i do with ground and +5v? in my mind, i'm thinking i connect everything up 1:1, but i'm not sure where (or even if) i should connect the GND and +5v. are they necessary for what i'm wanting to do?

over time i have read and re-read the video primers, parts of the hardware handbook, all of the console pinout and mod guides, and hundreds of posts on this forum, but i've likely just missed someone else asking or explaining this very information. i don't need a ton of hand-holding; rather, i only humbly ask that someone please tell me what should attach to what, and perhaps why.

lastly, let me say that i appreciate everyone's input and contributions to this site, and while i don't understand most of it, it makes for interesting reading, and i've been quietly storing tidbits of info that will hopefully come in handy in the future. that said, i ask again for your patience and understanding with me regarding the information i'm seeking. i know this is an enthusiasts' site and generally caters to those well "in the know". i don't intend to clutter the board with useless drivel or inane "can someone make it for me for 20 bucks" questions, i promise! if someone has some free time to address the above, i'd be very grateful and more than willing to post details and pictures chronicling my progress in this endeavor.

thanks very much for reading!


All the BNC connectors have a common ground. But in case the monitor does not, wire the ground connector to each shield. The 5 volt signal is for switches that detect when a video signal is active, and since you're hooking directly up to a monitor you shouldn't need it for this purpose. Good luck with the wiring.


Quote from: kendrick on August 08, 2008, 07:43:25 AM
All the BNC connectors have a common ground. But in case the monitor does not, wire the ground connector to each shield. The 5 volt signal is for switches that detect when a video signal is active, and since you're hooking directly up to a monitor you shouldn't need it for this purpose. Good luck with the wiring.

simple, succinct, and easy! many thanks Kendrick! i will post some pics and details when i get her up and running. glad to find the solution is about as simple as i could hope for. take care!


Quote from: allyourblood on August 08, 2008, 07:04:39 AM
while trying to figure out what solution to use (hacking my own cables, using an xrgb unit with my HDTV, etc), it dawned on me that i have a perfectly suitable RGB-capable display already! some time

Quote from: allyourblood on August 08, 2008, 07:04:39 AM
now, my first big (and likely quite laughable) question for you folks is: can i simply wire up a cable connecting the R/G/B and composite sync directly to my monitor's BNCs?
Yes, it is a laughable question since the answer is NO!  ;D  Sorry to burst your bubble, but if you want to connect your AES to your P220F, you're going to need some sort of line doubler or scalar.  Check this link and see if you can find the answer...  ::)
(I'll give you a hint, look at the "Frequency" spec of the "Input Signal")
This rash of demanding hand holders is getting to be obsurd...  :'(  or maybe the same person is creating new accounts (Raskolnikov->allyourblood)


RGB32E, thanks for the correction. I'd assumed that the monitor in question was 15 kHz compatible without checking. It's important to understand that most VGA monitors do not support the RGB resolution produced by the majority of 16-bit consoles.


Yeah, if it's one thing I've learned in my time here... the single biggest display killjoy is always "Will it display 15khz?" not "Will it accept RGB?".

You mentioned component cables out of your Neo? Who did the mod? Is it a JMKurtz? I've never heard anything but glowing remarks about his mods.
If you can mod it... I'll find a way to screw it up!


sorry, while searching around online today, i'm almost certain that i found that it indeed did accept a 15khz signal over RGB (and i had read those very same specs! d'oh!). i stand corrected. still, i've been looking at literally hundreds of pages about this RGB stuff over the last couple days, so it's no surprise to me that i flew over some of the relevant parts and began confusing displays.

hey, RGB32E, i hope your remarks about "demanding hand holders" wasn't about me. i made every effort to be polite, humble, appreciative and friendly. i made a mistake, and i admit it, but i made no demands on anyone. i simply asked for a little help, which i also openly concede you have given me. thanks.


Quote from: Blaine on August 08, 2008, 02:52:53 PM
You mentioned component cables out of your Neo? Who did the mod? Is it a JMKurtz? I've never heard anything but glowing remarks about his mods.

nah, the component remark was in reference to my other consoles. i was just stating that the RF output of the AES is hideous and second to none in this regard, even when compared to anything else i own.

i read thru those specs on Viewsonic's site before even coming here today... i guess in my excitement at getting this project off the ground i breezed right over one of the most important bits. back to finding a usable display i suppose. thanks to those who helped!