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ps2 portable.

Started by phreak97, January 19, 2004, 11:03:57 PM

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ok assuming i have already modded my ps2 so there is an input with a regulator on it that will take say ~12-20v and output the 12 the ps2 needs..


is there any kind of battery that could power this and a small lcd or tft screen for at least an hour?

what amperage would i need?
i was thinking a laptop battery.. one that would fit in the expansion bay

then assuming the laptop battery worked, what kind of circuit would i use to charge the battery? and would it fit inside the expansion bay with the battery?

what would be the best way of making sure the battery power and the mains power through the psu never mix and cause a dead ps2?

what fuse would i put into the new power source (battery) circuit to prevent nastiness of fault in turn creating dead ps2..

i did ask a simplified version of this in another thread but i hope to get a reply here seeing the other thread wasnt really the right place for it, i also stole the link from there.



Firstly, The regulator used in that design has a dropout voltage of up to 1.5V which means that you will need at least 13.5V to power it.
If you use a battery pack, it will need to have a voltage of at least 13.5V.
I doubt you get any battery packs at this obscure voltage.

You could connect the battery directly to the PS2's power input with only a diode.
Basically the same as in that circuit, just leaving out everything except the diodes.

This will be fine as long as the battery's voltage doesnt ever go above 12.7 for any reason. The diode will drop about .6V.

But this will limit functionality. You wont be able to charge the battery with it connected to the PS2.

You could go ahead and build that mod like on the link you posted if you find like a 15V battery pack. You could also make your own battery back, quite cheaply, with NiCd batteries. By doing this you cn make the voltage of the battery pack as high as you want, making sure not to exceed the regulators maximum input voltage.

The method of charging will depend on the type of battery you choose.

This is all pretty simple stuff. If you cant understand it, learn more or dont mod your PS2.


you will have to look around at different screens, checking their input voltage and current requirements. The battery life will depend on how many amp hours the battery is and the current draw of the screen and the PS2.


i do understand..

i have a laptop which requires a 20v battery, so i know i can get one somewhere, or else yes i could make my own, but if i were to make my own, whats the best kind to use to get maximum life before needing a recharge?

i can add a switch easily enough to switch between charge and play, i could also make it so it switches to the ps2's power supply when it is set to charge, shouldnt be too hard.

but i want to know that this will work before going ahead and modding my ps2


Many hardware stores sell a giant battery (Canadian Tire calls theirs the "Eliminator") that effectively work as a portable 120VAC system. You charge it up for about six hours and get about four hours of wall-socket life. Very cool: I've run a PC off of mine. :)


1. my idea is to have the battery inside the expansion bay, i want it as small as possible, wouldnt these batteries be really big?

2. i dont have heaps of money to do it with, tho i do understand the battery will probably be the most expensive part.

3. i live in australia, stuff needs 240VAC


Dear god, have you ever priced out a laptop battery!?  They cost hundreds of dollars if they're new, and if they're used the don't usually work.  Add to that they're full of electronics and require custom chargers, and the fact a voltage invertor for your car (12->220v) costs about $40 and you're basically wasting everyone's time on this quest.  Try and do a little research before asking questions, please.  


errr... i'd go to another site if there was one.. people here arent being real friendly.. i dont know what works, ffs im 16, just starting year 11, i have near zero experience with power sources, i thought maybe someone here would be interested and help me, i refuse to believe it is impossible.

i dont want to run it in my car... i want to run it ANYWHERE... my car is not a comfortable place.

i have tried saying at the beginning of a topic that i dont want people telling me alternatives, if you cant help me, dont post.. i'd rather an empty topic than one telling me i am stupid!

ok if i say something that is wrong, if you are going to correct me please be nice about it.. i do not like seeing that there is a reply then getting my hopes up only to have them smashed all over the floor then walked all over when i get into the topic

do you think i mean to be annoying? all i am doing is requesting help from anyone who knows what they are doing.

thanks alot.


The fact that you're a total noob isn't as big a problem as the fact that you're way over your head and asking people who, at a stage more advanced than yours, are a little wary of getting into an involved conversion with someone who's going to need a lot of handholding.

You can't do the advanced projects until you've done the easy ones.  You shouldn't ask anyone for help until you've researched as much as you can and reached the end of your personal ability.  Since that end is currently not far from your starting point you might consider biting off smaller chunks for a while.

It's not that we don't want to help, or that we're unfriendly - it's that you haven't a clue what you're doing, you're playing in our sandbox, and our only choices are ignoring you or telling you you're clueless.


while i am definately not as advanced as most of the people here, i am not as much a noob at you think atm, in some ways i guess i am.. but i have done ALOT of the basics.. i want to move into the harder stuff.. i will do research more from now on, i guess i expected a quick easy solution. i have seen many people post here who are true noobs.. its not like i have ever asked "how do i change my playstation wires to plug into usb?" im not that stupid.. i already know most of the "basics" my lack of ohm's law is all thats holding me back at the moment..
inexperience does not = noob
i try my best and just get treated badly. think how you would feel in my position.
i am willing to learn, unlike people i have spoken to before who who are like "open my <device>?.. <start of reasons why phreak97 is not worth listening to>"
i can do some things.. i managed to get a n64 into a dreamcast case.. with a regulator for the 5v fan and a snes rf modulator i decided to put in as an extra. i had to solder the cart slot with wires not directly to the mobo, i did it through switches so i could experiment with cutting off pins at certain times, 192 solder joints resulted, i got through them all in 2 afternoons.. you think a noob would even know what an rf modulator was? or how to wire a regulator? a real noob would be like "can i mod my snes without opening it?" i saw that somewhere here.. did you give that guy as bad a time as you gave me?
you make me feel like im stupid, like i dont know anything, all my friends who see stuff like my d64 (i named the n64 + dc thing d64) or my gg cart modded with switches to either run the game or use the headphone jack i installed on the cart as an audio input, are like how tf d'you know what to do? those things i had no help with (aside from the gg cart pinout).. you might think this is easy crap.. i dont care.. its what i like to do

im sorry.. iv had a bad time lately.. i wont post again untill i have something worth posting..

if you still think i am a complete noob.. i dont know what your problem is but you think what you like.

if you think i am trying to sound smarter by attempting to extend my vocabulary you are mistaken there also.

i calmed down a little, i still dont like being called a noob..
as for the handholding bit.. i dont ask for that, if someone was to point me in the right direction to a website or anywhere where that might be of use to me for any of my questions in these forums i would be quite happy.
its late here now, im going to bed. i hope i feel happier tomorrow, i might come back and apoligise.. perhapse.. ill see what replys i get first..


For extra credit try posting pics of your N64 / DC mod.  =)

For guaranteed less n00b bashing, definitely research before asking.  Definitely cut the number of questions down.  As much as you hate coming back to find the anticipated reply is a less-than-subtle "STFU n00b" I hate coming back to find 32 new phreak97 posts asking new questions even more.  Even the greats (And by greats I mean me) only work on one problem at a time.*  ;)

Also, punctuation is your friend.  This goes for everyone, dammit.  Use commas, periods, capital letters and some goddamned apostrophes now and then!

And on that note, I'm going to bed.

* That's a huge lie.  I'm up to my neck in half-finished projects.


Well, Lawrence, not everyone has time to sit down and be perfect little  touch typists.

Before you go doing something like this dude, check the power specs on a screen that you pick, then, once you have that taken car of, forget the battery. Don't you have something like Radio Shack in australia? just look around for a 12 volt or whatever your screen needs NiCd battery and go from there. Besides, PS2 on the go isn't even as good an idea as throwing koolaid on an electrical socket. if its just for the DVD's just save up for a portable player, it's alot cheaper than buying a new PS2 when yours wears out in a few months after you do this. you'd be better off buying one of those nifty Treamcast portable systems, and stuffing a gamecube or something in there.

but what do i know, i don't even own a PS2
Why are you reading this?


yeah, im happier now. i will research more first, i will get pics of my d64, just as soon as i get me a digital camera :). i always have several projects at once, often ones that never finish. ill try sticking to ones i know i can do in the future... i am starting an electrotechnology course this year and hopefully i will gain a bit of knowledge from that, untill then i rely on the internet for guidence.
forgive my punctuation (or lack of) english was never my best subject.
also it takes much much longer for me to type if i use capitals, and my being an irc addict doesnt help either.. no caps there:P (or few)

edit(Agentspikey95 posted while i was replying):
thanks, but if i ant run a ps2 off a battery its pretty pointless to run the screen off one, tho i might think about powering the screen from the power supply in the ps2, then it would only require one power cord. that can be for another day though, i dont feel like starting that now.
edit continues:
oh and lawrence, if i (hypothetically) could get a laptop battery and a way of charging it, would it have what i need? if i were to continue this project that is, which is unlikely

well thanks anyway for all the info i have gotten from gamesx over the time i have been coming here. alot of it has been extremely helpful.

i will continue to come here but perhaps think about what im posting more thoroughly.

thanks again, sorry for any unwanted posts.


QuoteWell, Lawrence, not everyone has time to sit down and be perfect little  touch typists.
But surely he has time to have a go at googling some of the common information he requires first? He'd get instant answers that way, instead of having to wait days for something to come of the majority of his questions.


\ you're right googling is the best way, and most of his questions can be answered with straight undiluted common sense. But googling isn't always the best answer when most of the results are at IBM Veteran level or in spanish or german. Or if you're a touch dislexic like me.  
Why are you reading this?


have you any idea how much bs comes up if you try google for ps2 amperage?

i do use google for these things, perhaps im not searching for the right thing.

also are you saying common sense is knowing about psu's?

please dont reply with any more "your stupid phreak"

i already apoligised etc..


Nobody her's said "stupid Phreak" as far as i know. Common sense = common sense. I'm 13 and just started working with electronics, and things i suggest or  think of are plausable. It's just a good idea to take a minute and smell the situation. Don't get all bothered, or nobody will respect you.
Why are you reading this?


I think we're all friends here.