Invert dual shock 2 axis

Started by InspecteurZ, December 27, 2006, 04:52:34 AM

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It's possible to invert the analog axis on a dual shock 2 controller?
It's easy to do on the digital ones (simply cut some traces and rewire),
but on the analog it's diferent. You have 3 tracks for axis, lower pos, max pos, and current position. Converted to digital it should be a range of 0 to 255.
Lower pos seems to be wired to ground, so it's not a good idea to switch max and lower. Or maybe it's possible?
I don't want to blow up my controller!


It seems to me that the low and high are just GND and Vcc, you should be able to just cut these traces and reverse them.  A potentiometer is just a variable resistor, reversing them should work.

At least, I think it should...  Anyone have any other opinions to offer before the Inspecteur here blows up his pad?


when he says 'invert the analog axis' i assume he just wants down to be up and up to be down. wouldn't switching the gnd and vcc completly reverse it? like, wouldn't it make right be left and left be right too?


There are two pots in the analogue sticks, one for V and one for H.  If you don't want to reverse both, don't swap the Vcc/GND for both.  Easy!  =)


I'm so curious... how come you want to do this? To change the controls in a flight simulator? :-P


Thanks for the info. It seems to be as Lawrence says.

I want to invert H-camera in FFXII to make it work as in FFXI :P