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RGB for NES, back and alive

Started by MockyLock, September 02, 2006, 06:36:51 PM

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HI all :)

Well, first of all, thanks for all your great stuff and works.
Second, I'm french, so I hope you'll understand my english.

I'm working on the RGB mod for the NES.
I just bought a VS Duck Hunt from ebay and wait for it now (I hope it's really what I need... damned ebay !).
And still waiting, I'm studying the mod with Bostich and Moosmann works and some question come to me.

First : Can I mod my french NES ? Aerf, you'll say, it's quite late but else, I'll buy a Us one :)

Second : If I can (God, listen to me), where can i get the Sync signal ? French don't have RCA but Scart socket and I can't find socket pinout on www (don't laugh please....)
I just found SNES AV pinout... Sob

Third : I've done the stereo mod, working great but the reason above (don't laugh please...), I coudn't wire the stereo to my scart cable (use the left and right channel from the scart if possible). So if you can help me..

Well, i think I asked you all I need. I hope someone will take a few second to read and answer  :D

Here is a list of mod I made :

Master System (1 & 2) 50-60 Hz
Mega Drive (1 & 2) 50-60 Hz
Mega Drive Overclock
Mega Drive 2 Scart mod for interference
Mega Drive Jap-Eur Scart mod
Saturn 50-60 Hz
Saturn Import mod
Game Gear Sound fix
NES Lockout
NES Stereo mod
SNES Lockout
SNES 50-60 Hz
N64 RGB mod
N64 Overclock

All these mod on PAL french system.
If I can help someone...

Next level : RGB mod for NES (I hope, one day...), VGA mod for Dreamcast, Digital sound for Game Cube

Thanks again


These PPUs are "NTSC" so that this mod doesn`t work on a french NES. The only exeption, you also chance the CPU and the crystal.

Bye Markus


Woah ! Moosmann himself :) Thanks for answering.
So, you meen "change" the CPU and the crystal.. aerf, why not.
About the crystal, does it give the clock signal ? I mean the same that you can overclock (humm, i didn't tried yet this mod, hu�) If yes, overclocking will perhaps avoid this problem.
And I allways have the same probl�me, where can I find sync on my NES ? I still don't have RCA for video signal.
Thanks again for your interest.
I hope you'll understand me


I don`t know the exactly place from the french NES for the syncsignal, but you can simply cut the 3 RGB lines from the original Nintendo "RGB Out" and add only the 3 "right" rgb lines to the "RGB Output". Sync is already present on the orig. french RGB Out. Do you understand what I mean ?

Gru� Markus


HI IM pauk =) so , did you overclocked your n64? i want to do it if ONLY d give me a GOOD reason (as someone says in perfetc dark), no prob with overheat, OH by the way... in the n64 why is the RGB soo needed?
does it looks better in quality? my n64 is ntsc


Guest, if you have question about why RGB is a popular mod, please have a look at Lawrence's video primer at this link:

-KKC, doing fun things with Phantasy Star Online servers.


salut mockylock, tu viens parfois sur des forums fran�ais ou non?...  y'a peu de techniciens,  et bon tes mods ont tous �t� d�j� trait�s accomplis donc rien d'exceptionnel  ;)

mais je trouve �trange ton fait du rgb sur nes euro...  ?!,  c'est pourtant en Rgb d�j� non ?!


Hi all
I'll try on a french one Mossmann and i'll tell you. Now I'm still waiting for news about the guy I bought the Duck Hunt PCB.. :/
'lut pro7
Non, je ne vais jamais sur les forums fran�ais mais bon, moi je propose ce que j'ai d�j� fait, juste pour aider, sans aucune pr�tention. Ensuite, je sais que pour la plupart des mods, je n'ai trouv� que de la doc en anglais, et souvent que pour du NTSC � modifier soi m�me. Bref, comme les mods sur PAL sont moins courant, je prposait ma maigre exp�rience.
Ensuite, pour ce qui est du RGB NES, et non, ce n'est pas un pur RGB mais un composite recod�. Bref, on peut avoir mieux. Revois les forums et les explications de Moosmann sur ce site.

Guest, if you never played on an overclocked N64, you can't see the Truth :)
Just Believe, overclock your N64, you'll reach Heaven...


Hi everyone!

I have a french NES too, but without a video/audio cable.
On the net, i wasnt able to find the pinout for the RGB/audio connector.
It is a PAL version.
Can somebody please tell me the pinouts, or any info/diagram on how to connect to
a SCART connector. (or if there is any composit signal on the connector)

Thanx in advance


Hi "Guest" :)
So you have a french one... I wasn't able to find this pinouts too, but you already have one your french NES the SCART plug, you just have to find a cable (ebay, ...), but it's not in true RGB.


Hi MockyLock,

I dont know what you mean on "SCART Plug".
It only has a 2x5 (in parallel) pin plug,  like this:
1 ooooo 5
6 ooooo 10  (front view)

By making some measurements, i figured out, that pin 1=+5V; 2,3,4,5=Video (RGB+Sync dont know the order); 6=??sync??; 7,8,9=GND; 10=SOUND

However, i dismounted the unit, and found everithing, i needed. ;)
Instead of an RF modulator, a RGB separator block is used, so you have the composit
video and the audio signals.
You have to take off the shielding metal top, (on the back side) and you see 5 larger
soldered pads in a row. From the corner of the box, towards the 5V regulator you have:
CompVid--Audio--+5V--+10V--+10V.(The GND is soldered to the metal box itself)
Have a nice day, Szabi :D