progressive scan

Started by liveness2006, October 23, 2006, 02:27:19 PM

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Hi this probably a dumb question but is it possible to mod my TV to have progressive scan??? thanks


if it's a regular TV, it already has progressive scan..  it's called 240p, and all the old game consoles use it..  (and some VHS tapes)...

if you want 480p, ehh, technically changing the "yoke" would work, but that's NOT something the user does..

EDIT:  While I did do this to a VERY old TV, this was the result:

Yoke needed replacing, flyback transformer also needed to be replaced..  When this was done, the TV could then do 480p, and even some high def modes..  HOWEVER, there was, of course, very drastic side-effects, most notably, excess blurring horizontally (because the electron gun just can't go that fast)