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Capcom CPS Fighter cables help needed

Started by NeWmAn, April 21, 2008, 07:43:43 AM

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Does someone have a Capcom Power Stick (Cps fighter/CPS-A10CA) Joystick with the SNES or FC cables and can help me with the pinout of said cables?


I'm several thousand km from my stick at the moment, but when I get back I should be able to have a look for you.


Thanks! :D
Maybe I found the pinout of the SNES cable, but I would like to have a confirmation before butchering the Joystick...

I opened a CPSF-PCアダプタ (X68/FMtowns adapter) and I've seen that the cable from the custom connector to the adapter uses 5 wires with the same colors used by the SNES/SFC joystics/pads (i.e. Brown,Red,Orange,Yellow and White).
So I believe that this is the CPS-SNES cable wiring:

Looking at the SNES/SFC plug like this         (ooo|oooo]         and starting from the left: 

1=Cps #9
4=CPS #2
5=CPS #13
6=CPS #14
7=CPS #3 & #12

Please correct me if I'm wrong!


Don't FMTowns use ATARI based pinout ?  I remember it being almost the same thing as ATARI, but the GND pin being changed. (It's the same pinout as  for MSX computers, btw) as I have a 2 button FMtowns pad and a mouse and both work fine on my FS-A1ST MSX without any modifications ...

I don't know how X68000 pads work though ...


Quote from: l_oliveira on April 26, 2008, 12:41:35 AM
Don't FMTowns use ATARI based pinout ? 
Yeah, but this is a six-button joystick.  Since that uses more pins than are available on a 9-pin connector, special chips are used.  The information he's seeking does not include the 9-pin FMT/X68 connector.


The pinout I wrote in my previous message is WRONG, I've been able to find the right one and it's like this:

SFC---Function name--- CPS (15pin Numbered according to the markings on the original custom connector)

O           Gnd              3 & 12
O             /
O             /
O           Data              2
O           P/S               14
O           Clock             13
O           VCC               9

QuoteDon't FMTowns use ATARI based pinout ?
This Joystick was originally sold with FC and SFC/SNES cables (and I miss those), but there is also an adapter for X68000/FMtowns/MSX (which I have).
I've opened the adapter I own to find out the pinout and build an adapter for the cables I miss.

BTW. The (excellent) wiki page on this joystick links to a dead page (, any chance that the page is still alive somewhere?


Sadly I didn't archive that page...  In fact, I'm not even sure what page it was.  =(

The internet archive didn't keep a complete archive either.  In fact, at least three of their archives are either broken or include the new 404 page instead of the actual page.  The best I could find is this:

The text is all there, but only one picture appears.  =(


I actually did this earlier in the month for izarate on the Digital Press forums. Here's my post copied and pasted.

Here's the pinout. It took longer than I expected because I didn't have anything small enough that I could securely shove into the plugs for readings, so I had to open up the console and the joystick and read through the PCBs.

These pinouts are from the point of view from outside the fully assembled units. I used the SNES controller port pinout from GameSX. I made up my own Capcom controller pinout.

All done in Paint. Yes, the left side of the SNES port is the rounded side. I did that by hand. Should have just used the circle tool. I learned my lesson later.


haha, that's classy.  =D

Thanks for posting that.

Lord Nightmare

Sorry for necroposting, but theres a minor error in the diagram that chuplayer posted:
The CABLE map for the SNES cable is:
SNES pin(purpose) to CAPCOM pin
1(GND) to 12
2(Data2) to 1
3(Data1) to 4
4(Data0) to 2
5(latch/pulse) to 14
6(clock) to 13
7(VCC) to 9

there is also one other connection inside the cable:
CAPCOM pin 3 connects to CAPCOM pin 11, probably as a way so the joystick can tell whether an nes or snes cable is plugged in and adjust the signal on the data line appropriately. Inside the NES cable, I'm *GUESSING* CAPCOM pin 3 is instead connected to CAPCOM pin 9, so pin 3 is pulled high instead of low, from the joystick's point of view.

Inisde the JOYSTICK, pins 10, 11 and 12 are all connected together to ground, but this is NOT done inside the cable!

I also posted a doc with my guesses, etc on pastebin:
EDIT 20100224: As requested, repost of doc, with some corrected diagrams:
EDIT 20200306: rip, I'll just embed the doc here, note this is the same document from 20081113 and doesn't have later info in it such as the fact that the same controller body is used on the CPS Changer, presumably with an entirely different PCB inside.
capcom fighter power stick cables, diagrammed by Lord Nightmare:

the pin ordering on the 14 pin end of the snes/nes cable, when facing you, is:
____        ____
|  |_________|  |
|8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1|
| E D C _ B A 9 |
|_|----/ \----|_|

The connector on the back of the joystick is the exact mirror image of that diagram.

(I used hexadecimal for the last 5 pins to make the diagram nicer, in reality
they are 10,11,12,13,14, not A,B,C,D,E)

connection diagram of SNES cable:
1 pin 2 (data2) of snes connector
2 pin 4 (data0) of snes connector
3 pin 11 of capcom connector
4 pin 3 (data1) of snes connector
5 N/C unpopulated
6 N/C unpopulated
7 N/C unpopulated
8 N/C unpopulated
9 pin 7 (+5v/VCC) of snes connector
10 N/C unpopulated (inside JS this connects to GND plane)
11 pin 3 of capcom connector (inside JS this connects to GND plane)
12 pin 1 (GND) of snes connector (inside JS this connects to GND plane)
13 pin 6 (clock) of snes connector
14 pin 5 (Latch/pulse) of snes connector

snes connector pinout:
(1 2 3 | 4 5 6 7|
2 DATA2 (used by super scope, mouse and multitap)
3 DATA1 (used by super scope, mouse and multitap)
7 +5V/VCC

SUSPECTED connection diagram of NES cable:
1 pin 2 (data2) of nes connector
2 pin 4 (data0) of nes connector
3 pin 9 of capcom connector
4 pin 3 (data1) of nes connector
5 N/C unpopulated
6 N/C unpopulated
7 N/C unpopulated
8 N/C unpopulated
9 pin 3 of capcom connector and pin 7 (+5v/VCC) of nes connector
10 N/C unpopulated (inside JS this connects to GND plane)
11 N/C unpopulated (inside JS this connects to GND plane)
12 pin 1 (GND) of nes connector (inside JS this connects to GND plane)
13 pin 6 (clock) of nes connector
14 pin 5 (Latch/pulse) of nes connector

nes connector pinout:
 / 1|
|7 2|
|6 3|
|5 4|
2 DATA2 (used by zapper, power pad, and 4-score)
3 DATA1 (used by zapper, power pad, and 4-score)
7 +5V/VCC

SUSPECTED diagram of joystick signals:
1 unknown
2 serial data out
3 type select (gnd = snes, vcc = nes)?
4 unknown
5 unknown
6 unknown
7 unknown
8 unknown
9 +5v/VCC
10 GND
11 GND
12 GND
13 Clock
14 Latch/pulse

the capcom fighter power stick (the black nes/snes one) has an unpopulated HDDB15
connector inside, the purpose of this connector is unknown, and it may actually
be used on the capcom power stick fighter MD (the white genesis/md one) for the
?wired in? MD/genesis 9pin cable

"When life gives you zombies... *CHA-CHIK!* make zombie-ade!"


Sorry for the necroposting.

I'm looking for these pinouts, but both chuplayer and lord nightmare's images, links, pastebins have expired.

By any chance someone has a backup of that info?

Thanks in advance!
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