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Game Console Hack

Started by blackevilweredragon, August 02, 2006, 07:16:17 AM

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I started working on this system this morning, it's designed to be a simple game console (more for classics), and is consisting of a simple PC and small case.

It's specs are:
Intel Celeron 533MHz (subject to be dropped to 350MHz due size constraints)
Yamaha XG Synth, and audio playback ---  ESS Maestro for Audio recording via Mic port on the front
8GB Hard Drive
Composite and S-Video out, via ATI Rage Pro 2MB (will have 8MB as soon as I find that stupid SG-RAM module)
Slim CD-ROM Drive  (haven't received it yet)
1.44MB Floppy Drive  (haven't installed one yet)
10/100Mbps Ethernet Port
Two USB ports on the front for controllers, keyboard, mice, and flash drives for home entertainment....
Windows XP Pro

I want to mod the case, but can't think of any good mods for it, or software mods for that matter to make it even easier to use for games..

Any recommendations?   The HD may be small, but I already have the use of external USB HDs via the front USB ports..  An USB hub will act as a "multitap"...

Here is a picture of the system running, it's the white machine in the entertainment rack..

EDIT:  I decided the 533MHz CPU is here to stay..  any lower and I don't think I will be playing Half Life...


If this things only purpose in life is to play old games then ditch Windows XP.     That system will run faster under Windows 98 and you'll free up some RAM and HDD space.  I don't know of anything that you'd be able to run on that box that absolutely requires XP anyway.  

From memory those SGRAM modules come in either 2MB or 4MB.  At least I've never been able to get more than 4MB to work in a motherboard with an onboard Rage Pro.  At any rate that should be enough emulation of 2D systems and video playback.  

If you're looking to play more 3D stuff I'd look for something with better video.  If you've got an available PCI slot you should be able to find GeForce 2, they're pretty much worthless now and they usually have a decent TV output.


Don't most 'classic' windows games (that are intended for pc, not a port from a console) take advantage of high resoultion graphics and keyboard/mice controls? Wouldn't these games be a bit arkward to play in front of a television? Perhaps I'm just totaly ignorant about windows games...


QuoteIf this things only purpose in life is to play old games then ditch Windows XP.     That system will run faster under Windows 98 and you'll free up some RAM and HDD space.  I don't know of anything that you'd be able to run on that box that absolutely requires XP anyway.  

From memory those SGRAM modules come in either 2MB or 4MB.  At least I've never been able to get more than 4MB to work in a motherboard with an onboard Rage Pro.  At any rate that should be enough emulation of 2D systems and video playback.  

If you're looking to play more 3D stuff I'd look for something with better video.  If you've got an available PCI slot you should be able to find GeForce 2, they're pretty much worthless now and they usually have a decent TV output.
I have a rare 6MB module around somewhere, I just can't find the stupid thing..

I was mainly using XP for some home entertainment purposes..  Like as seen in the picture, my iPod is attached to the front USB port, and on the TV im watching a TV show recorded onto the iPod...

I also use it to plug in my digital camera to show slideshows..


I'm not familiar with the iPod software, but I'm yet to see a digital camera that can't be made to work under Windows 98.  

If you're happy with the performance under XP stick with it.  If it's not running fast enough changing to 98 will improve things without changing the hardware.  Choosing and configuring the operating system and software can get a lot more performance out of old hardware than some people expect.  

I regularly use a 233MHz laptop (I'm typing on it now) running a modified Windows 98 install.  It boots quick and runs Firefox/etc and emulators for most older systems fast enough to keep me happy when I'm away from my main systems.  


QuoteI'm not familiar with the iPod software, but I'm yet to see a digital camera that can't be made to work under Windows 98.  

If you're happy with the performance under XP stick with it.  If it's not running fast enough changing to 98 will improve things without changing the hardware.  Choosing and configuring the operating system and software can get a lot more performance out of old hardware than some people expect.  

I regularly use a 233MHz laptop (I'm typing on it now) running a modified Windows 98 install.  It boots quick and runs Firefox/etc and emulators for most older systems fast enough to keep me happy when I'm away from my main systems.
itunes requires windows 2000 or xp...

i thought about 2000, but XP runs on the same kernel, so I decided to go with XP..


Where as anyone with sense would run older machines using Damn Small Linux or Puppy Linux. :lol:  


QuoteWhere as anyone with sense would run older machines using Damn Small Linux or Puppy Linux. :lol:
And how would that run the games that I would play?  They wouldn't, not those operating systems...

Oh, not to mention an operating system that can easily fit in a 800x600 screen res..  (don't have a VGA to component adapter)


anyways, this computer was finished, it worked great as a game console, i completed half life blue shift with a PlayStation controller on it, just fine...

However, the system no longer works right..  I noticed when I put a stack of CD's on top of it, the system blue screened, and it won't turn on unless i hit it hard, and even then, half the time it freezes at boot saying "pci.sys is missing or corrupt", and the other times it will boot fine..

as for hitting it, that's only when it won't even post, TV just stays at it's blue screen saying "S-Video - Detecting Resolution"...

UPDATE:  Forget it.  This thing had an issue with my slotket for my Celeron 533MHz CPU..  I put a 333 Pentium II in it, and turned the box into a smoothwall router...