Help with beginning RGB

Started by downsouth420, July 25, 2006, 02:03:24 PM

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Hello. I have always wanted RGB for my Sega consoles. Upon chance, a company was throwing out their RGB monitor. But I sold my Commodore 128 so I can't test it. So I figured I would get an RGB cable for Saturn and hook it up anyway. The problem is is that a search reveals SCART cables (which I know are used in PAL tvs and XRGB2) but no trace of regular RGB cables for Saturn.

Is there a resource that sells RGB cables or do I have to make my own.

By the way, the monitor is a Sony GDM-1601 so if anyone knows of any problems with video game RGB on that monitor let me know. It'll save me a hassle.


My bad. I didn't read the post on making your own. I guess I'll just get an SCART cable and locate some RGB connectors (does Radio Shack carry them.) and have fun with my soldering iron.

The question still remains for the monitor, though.


Ain't that a Sun monitor?  You're not going to be using that for 15 khz RGB, that's for sure.


Well ain't that a bitch.