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Awash with newbs

Started by NFG, April 10, 2006, 03:56:27 PM

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There's been a relatively high number of posts from newbs in the recent past, and while they're more than welcome to join our little community, I gots ta wonder: where'd they all come from?  Why now?  Did something interesting happen somewhere?  A link from a popular site?  An URL on a bathroom wall?


Maybe it was my little bitching session that caused a bunch of lurkers to come out of the woodwork. Maybe its the new design on the NFG Page, the link to the forums doesn't blend in so much. And I swear, that URL on the wall wasn't from me! I don't even like beastiality.
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN


As with everything, interest by newcomers ebbs and flows in cycles. I imagine that the relatively weak standing of the Xbox 360 and the lack of any other new console information means that there's some renewed interest in retro gaming. This naturally leads to interest in import modding, and outright hacking for emulation in the case of the current generation of consoles. There's not enough mainstream, common-denominator software out there that would otherwise retain these people's attention.

Lawrence, you may have already observed that this particular batch of newbies is particularly in need of guidance. Would it be out of place to make the forums less accessible to guests, and to require (or at least to encourage) some prerequisite site reading before being allowed to post? Of course, it's your party and you can set the rules as you see fit.

-KKC, who would suggest a spelling examination and perhaps a logical reasoning evaluation too. :)


I got here in a search for LM1881 chip.
Googled it got this:
Using the LM1881
"LM1881 Sync Stripper. ... The LM1881 does an admirable job of this. It's a dead easy circuit - one small chip, two small capacitors and a small resistor. ... - 5k - Cached - Similar pages"

THAT's what I'm looking for!  A DEAD-EASY circuit!!  :�D

Actually, was looking for ways to get a dang Component video output into my VGA input/projector(LCD monitor).. and as for being a noob at this site/forum, I'm a NOOB in electronics period!

And, since we're on the NOOB subject, here's a nother noob question:
Do they make any controllers that're split?  Two handed, still, but hands at sides, relaxed in chair?  Great idea I had - split the control pad into two, left and a right, for more comfortable gaming!  yeah, well, okay.. now that I've pissed off the MODS, I'll go.



Kendrick, I think the forums here are already quite volatile territory for the unwashed masses.  If I'm not dressing them down without the barest modicum of restraint you're telling 'em what-for in a shockingly civil tone.  

So far I haven't seen a real problem.  Our collectively acerbic tone does a pretty good job of weeding out the riffraff, don't you think?  Those who survive and stick around are generally valued contributors.  Running our little gauntlet is as good a newb test as any.

As for you Jeff, there are several split controllers. ASCII made a one-handed PS1/Saturn pad called The Grip (It was also released in an older model for the SuperFamicom).  Naki (or Nuby, who cares they're all the same) released a shoddy split pad, and I think Hori did also.  The problem with all these pads is that you lack leverage without the other hand to brace against, so they're completely unsuitable for action games.


QuoteKendrick, I think the forums here are already quite volatile territory for the unwashed masses.  If I'm not dressing them down without the barest modicum of restraint you're telling 'em what-for in a shockingly civil tone.  

So far I haven't seen a real problem.  Our collectively acerbic tone does a pretty good job of weeding out the riffraff, don't you think?  Those who survive and stick around are generally valued contributors.  Running our little gauntlet is as good a newb test as any.
"Shockingly civil," eh? Well, if ever there was a good-cop/bad-cop team to be had...

Maybe I'm being idealistic, but I've never liked the idea of having to be confrontational with people who are being stupid or who don't fit in. By way of example, the reason I hated the Penny Arcade forums was because there was a consistent and repeatable pattern of hostility. Newbies aside, on GamesX we all tend to conduct ourselves as gentlemen whether or not that description befits us. Grown men (and women) should be addressing each other with respect, whether or not it's deserved.

The political reaction is to suppose there is a lack of understanding of the rules, and that a little education and patience will correct that. The pragmatic reaction is to realize that there's a segment of the population that's so blisteringly, mind-numbingly selfish that they can't be bothered to learn the rules and won't be helped. In the case of GamesX, those same selfish folks are the ones who can't be bothered to pick up basic electronics skills, or who can't be bothered to read a wiring diagram.

I don't want to turn anybody away, and I don't want to weed out the riff raff, as you say. Everybody who posts here should feel welcome and included. I want to uplift them, to transform every would-be member of the GamesX forums into valued contributors. That potential, that capacity must be present in everybody who wants to post, else they wouldn't even be bothered to participate in the first place.

Now, ask me how hard I'm willing to work to make that happen and you may observe me change my mind. :)

-KKC, making paperwork fun by writing in unusual colors.