XRGB2 Plus and Arcade Games Fix

Started by sonofx51, March 05, 2006, 08:47:23 PM

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Well I can't guarantee this will work for all games, but it did work on mine. I have lurked these boards for a couple of years now, never posted, at least I dont remember doing so. I came across a few threads of people stating they got a rolling picture with arcade boards on the XRGB2+. I used to have that problem also, until I messed around on the inside of mine, lol. There is a pot just behind the scart socket inside the XRGB2+

and if you turn it to the left (I think, as I dont want to hook it up again and test) you can stabalize the picture. Just hook up the arcade game you want and see if it works for you. After stabalizing the picture I have had no problems running my DC, Saturn, Xbox, PSX,PS2, PGM motherboard, I have also tried it with a Neo 1 slot, 2slot, 4slot, CPS3 Street Fighter 3rd Strike, and Night Slashers PCB. Let me know if it works for you people. Also when I say turn, I mean do it slowly either to the left or back to the right until the pic stabalizes. I dont have it hooked up at the moment because I am in the process of painting my room.


this trick can be a gift from the gods if it works for me.
i have a few jamma boards that i cant use with my xrgb2 plus.
mainly midway boards. mk1, mk2, mk3 ultimate, nba jam, and KI2
(sad KI2s hd just died working on fixing that now also...).


no luck the adjustment did not help.
but i think the games i listed have a diffrent problem.


just tried pitfighter still no luck. the picture would come to a slow roll but never lock.


Quotethis trick can be a gift from the gods if it works for me.
i have a few jamma boards that i cant use with my xrgb2 plus.
mainly midway boards. mk1, mk2, mk3 ultimate, nba jam, and KI2
(sad KI2s hd just died working on fixing that now also...).
Right, acem77, it is a different problem--from http://www.jrok.com/hardware/RGB-FAQ.html#problems concerning the J-Rok RGB to NTSC video converter:

"The only known problems are with later Midway games such as Smash TV, NBA JAM, Mortal Komat ( 1, 2 & 3 ) . These games use a vertical sync. frequency of around 56Hz ( the majority of games having a vertical sync of around 60Hz ). This vertical sync. frequency appears to be incompatible with some Sony TV sets, most notably the Sony WEGA series.  These sets cannot sync to this frequency and the picture will roll vertically.

This is NOT a problem with the output from the converter is it purely a problem with the TV receiver."

So, I think what's most likely is that the XRGB-2+ doesn't like 56Hz.

Anyway, to sonofx51, thanks very much for posting up your fix!  I'd like to run CPS3 3rd Strike through my XRGB-2+ as well, so I'll definitely try out what you suggested.


sux that midway has a weird frequency, I hope it works on other boards for other people though.