PS2 controller help...

Started by marzzbar, January 24, 2006, 08:04:59 PM

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Ok, I come here in desperation because I don't know where else to turn...
Recently my playstation 2 dual shock 2 controller stopped working. Naturally I opened it up to check for any problems. I cleaned the buttons and the analogue sticks, but it still wouldn't work. The playstation detects that the controller is there, and the analog light lights up, but none of the buttons or sticks respond. I thought that the problem might lie in the cables from the chip to the plug bit. I had a look at the cords connected to the chip and I found a frayed copper wire. The weird thing is I can't find where it's connected to. It is uninsulated and from what I can see it goes all the way up the controller. There also appears to be some white stringy stuff. It doesn't make any sense, and I can't find anywhere on the internet to help me.
I'd greatly appreciate any help. Thanks.


Here's another pic.


This wire you're worried about is most likely the shield ground. It's uninsulated because it's meant to be a layer that surrounds all of the other individual conductors inside the controller cord. Usually, the shield ground is redundant, since one of the other wires should also be a ground connection, but I'm not sure what the wires in the PS2 cord are used for.

My instinct is that this wire wasn't actually connected to any point on the controller PCB. In your place, I would take a logic tester or a multimeter in there and check for shorts, since you've indicated that the controller is detected and lights up otherwise. Probably you've got a continuity problem that is messing wtih your common ground, or is keeping your buttons from registering encoder input.

It's worth mentioning that controllers are cheap, and the amount of labor it may take to repair yours might not add up to a worthwhile expenditure. Do as you like, but make sure you believe it's worth it to do so.

Edited to add: That white string is intended to make the insulation easier to remove. You normally find one of those in bulk, multi-conductor wiring bundles. Hope that helps you out.

-KKC, who found an old Monochrome monitor in his attic.


The white string is normal, it's found in most multi-wire cables.

As for the copper wire...  It's looking a lot like someone's replaced that cord before you; it's possible that the frayed wire was never attached by the person who did the repair.  It's inconceivable that you would not be able to see either where it used to be attached or the other half of it.  

In any case, it's ground.  Connect it to controller ground somewhere and see if that helps your controller function.


Ok thanks for  all your help. Yeah, maybe I will just get another controller. I was hoping it'd be something a lot simpler. I could test the connections for shorts, but I'm too lazy  :P. But thanks again.


Something a lot simpler than taking 3 minutes to heat up your soldering iron, melting the solder on any point that touches ground and prodding the wire in there? Crikey. I think you're in the wrong place, to be honest.

Well I hafta agree that somehow people have no initiative to accomplish ANYTHING these days.. LAZY is as LAZY does...???

Dude fix that controller if it takes till yer 85 just to show us you got the MAN thing about ya !! Show us what yer MADE of Guy ... MAKE US PROUD   for gosh sakes !!
I for one am rootin for you and cant imagine a person like you letting a thing without a BRAIN get the better of ya ....

Email me how it turns out at


Shielding is only grounded at one end. It doesnt work well otherwise, this is why its not connected to the controller anywhere. As for your controller, just buy a new one. They are the hardest things to take apart and fix and it will never be as good as new, so just buy new.

QuoteCrikey. I think you're in the wrong place, to be honest.
This is exactly whats wrong with these forums. He made a good post with a good question, dont nub him with your elitism.
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN