Converting NTSC <> PAL for Monitor. I think.

Started by wichenroder, January 03, 2006, 02:35:44 AM

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I have a Multi Purpose XGA Box (VGA Box) and a PS2 Australian / PAL, modded, and am living in Europe, trying to play NTSC games on my LCD monitor..

I want to play these games in color, not black and white. If I use a scart converter I can play color on a tv, but I am sworn against tv's.

Any Ideas how I can convert the signal out of my PS2 so that I can play NTSC games in color on my monitor???



If you're using an RGB connection, then there should be no issue. However, if you're using composite (perhaps svideo, but I'm not entirely sure) then NTSC vs PAL makes a difference.

Unfortunately, if you're not using RGB then you might as well be playing on a TV!
[ Not an authoritive source of information. ]


Eh? I didn't think monitors dealt in PAL or NTSC colour, they just deal in RGB don't they? Or do LCD monitors have other connectors too? What a crock. Use an RGB connection.